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My Faith Statement Kelly Rosner.

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Presentation on theme: "My Faith Statement Kelly Rosner."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Faith Statement Kelly Rosner

2 Even though my parents are divorced God has provided me with 2 new families that I love and care for that love and take care of me.

3 My older sister has always been there for me
My older sister has always been there for me. She has shown me new things in my life and has taught me how to get through middle school and confirmation.

4 My teachers have been there for me as well
My teachers have been there for me as well. They have helped me with my homework, they have also helped with my family issues. They are helpful and understanding when it comes to me not understanding lessons.

5 In cheerleading , I do believe there is faith because if my team messes up we know that our coach will understand. She will help us with our routine until we get it right. When I’m in choir and I have a solo if I mess up I know that my teacher will understand and she will help if I need more practice.

6 The song “ Pass it on” to me means to spread the word to others about how God loves us and came to this world where he died on the cross to save us all.

7 What singing means to me means more than just singing it means to enjoy doing something I love and spreading the word and showing others you can do your passion and spread the word to others.

8 My family has been through a lot
My family has been through a lot. I’ve learned to listen and follow directions . Also, not to lie or break rules and to not misuse Gods name. My parents have been there to support and love me no matter what.

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