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Presentation on theme: "FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM PROJECT"— Presentation transcript:

1. Colored paper given to students is used by the student to measure the dimensions of the shape of a pillar. The shape is cut out and used to cut out four more for a total of five pillars. 2. The student follows the directions to write and draw about each duty (pillar) of a Muslim in the religion of Islam. 3. Eventually, the student will be given a sheet of 11 ½ x 18 inch construction paper to attach the paper pillars.

2 Each pillar is made with these approximate dimensions.
6 ½ cm 2 ½ cm 4 cm Each pillar is made with these approximate dimensions. Draw and cut out one pillar from a sheet of paper. Place the first one on a colored sheet of paper and cut out four more for a total of five. The pillars will be glued onto an 11 ½ by 18 inch sheet of colored construction paper that will be folded in half. 22 ½ cm 17 cm 20 cm 4 cm 3 cm 2 cm 6 ½ cm

3 Vocabulary (similar words about
the duty (pillar) of a Muslim. Arabic word for the duty (pillar) English word for the duty (pillar) Description of the duty (pillar). Draw a picture about the duty (pillar) of a Muslim.

4 (PILLAR ONE) belief, trust, confidence Shahada Declaration of Faith Believe and say, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. It proclaims oneness of God. It introduces the new convert to the community of Muslims. Draw a picture about faith and Islam.

5 (PILLAR TWO) orison, invocation, intercession Salat Prayer Pray in Arabic, 5 times a day, facing Mecca. Each prayer is done on a rug, in a bowing position. Times: sunset, evening, dawn, noon, afternoon. Draw a picture about prayer and Islam.

6 (PILLAR THREE) charity, philanthropy, largesse Zakat Almsgiving Give to the poor and sick. It is a quality of an honest Muslim and a gateway to heaven. Draw a picture about almsgiving and Islam.

7 (PILLAR FOUR) abstention, refrain, constrain Sawm Fasting Refuse to eat or drink from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan. This is a time of purification and religious devotion. Stronger ties are made with family and community. Draw a picture about fasting and Islam.

8 (PILLAR FIVE) wayfaring, excursion, trek Hajj Pilgrimage A journey to Mecca. From the Qur’an: And proclaim to the people the Hajj; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel. They will come from every distant pass…. Then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House. Draw a picture about pilgrimage and Islam.

9 Five Pillars of Islam paper label glued on. paper label glued on.
Last Name, First Name Period _____ Date (date when started) Completed paper pillars glued on the construction paper.


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