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Rory McFadden, Gustavus Adolphus College

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1 The use of data analysis and quantitative skills in undergraduate geoscience courses
Rory McFadden, Gustavus Adolphus College Karen Viskupic, Boise State University Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center Anne Egger, Central Washington University Ellen Iverson, Science Education Resource Center Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory. Accessed via: EER 2018

2 Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education Report
“They should possess strong quantitative skills and an ability apply cognate sciences to geoscience problems.” ”They should be able to integrate data from different sources and apply systems thinking, understanding uncertainty and ambiguity.” ”Graduates should have…an ability to manage and analyze large datasets.” Place technical skills in context for undergraduate students -necessary for success in geoscience research -important for making decisions based on data and quantitative evidence for non-scientists

3 National Geoscience Faculty Survey
Four NSF-funded administrations of the national survey 2004, 2009, 2012, 2016 Initiated by “On the Cutting Edge” Greater than 2000 respondents per survey Respondents reported on introductory or majors courses DUE DUE DUE -National survey overview -Funding sources -Research group

4 Research Questions What is the use of data analysis and quantitative skills in undergraduate geoscience courses? What are the differences in the use of data analysis and quantitative skills for different populations? What is the relationship between the use of data analysis skills and geoscience careers support/promotion?

5 Quantitative Skills -Intro vs Major Intro n = 1066 Majors n = 1096
Q19-1: In your most recent [introductory/major] course, how often did your students: Never Once or twice Three or more times Quantitative Skills -Intro vs Major Intro n = 1066 Majors n = 1096 Percentage of Survey Respondents -Discussion of overall quant skills results -Comparisons between intro and majors -Algebra is pretty good -Statistics needs to increase -Calculus really needs to improve in majors courses -Mention different question types and significant difference for three or more times for stats and algebra

6 Effective Teaching Practice
Class Time In the lecture portion of your [intro/major] course, please estimate the percentage of class time spent on student activities, questions, and discussion Responses were binned to less than or greater than 20% Teaching Style Computed as a factor analysis from questions relating to teaching strategies (e.g. lecture demos, small group discussions, lecture, whole group discussions, questions all students) Geoscience Faculty populations

7 Effective Teaching Practices vs. Quantitative skills in intro courses
Q19.2: Use algebraic equations Effective Teaching Practices vs. Quantitative skills in intro courses Class Time Teaching Style Q19-1: In your most recent [introductory/major] course, how often did your students: Q19.4: Use skills learned in a calculus course Q19.3: Conduct statistical analyses Class Time Teaching Style Class Time Teaching Style

8 Effective Teaching Practices vs. Quantitative skills in majors courses
Q19.2: Use algebraic equations Effective Teaching Practices vs. Quantitative skills in majors courses Class Time Teaching Style Q19-1: In your most recent [introductory/major] course, how often did your students: Q19.4: Use skills learned in a calculus course Q19.3: Conduct statistical analyses Class Time Teaching Style Class Time Teaching Style

9 Data Analysis Skills In your most recent [introductory/major] course, did your students: Percentage St. Dev. Q18_1 - [Collect their own data and analyze them to solve a problem] 49.61% .50 Q18_7 - [Address uncertainty, non-uniqueness, and ambiguity when interpreting data] 62.31% .48 Q18_8 - [Recognize distinctions among data sources (e.g. direct, indirect, and proxy)] 43.04% Q18_9 - [Describe quantitative evidence in support of an argument] 68.34% .47 Q18_10 - [Evaluate important assumptions in estimation, modeling, or data analysis] 53.45% Q18_11 - [Access and integrate information from different sources ] 67.56%

10 Data analysis skills composite scores
Mean = 3.44 St. Dev. = 1.75 n = 2056 RQ: What are the differences in the reported use of data analysis skills in courses for different populations?

11 Effective Teaching Practices
Class Time: In the lecture portion of your [intro/major] course, please estimate the percentage of class time spent on student activities, questions, and discussion Faculty that use effective teaching practices are more likely to incorporate data analysis skills in courses Teaching Style: Computed as a factor analysis from questions relating to teaching strategies (e.g. lecture demos, small group discussions)

12 Course Demographics Faculty in small classes use more data analysis skills in courses than those in medium and large classes

13 Course Demographics Faculty at Baccalaureate institutions use more data analysis skills in course than those at other institutions

14 Faculty Type Education-focused Faculty Geoscience-focused Faculty
Give education presentations Attend talks Attend workshops Geoscience-focused Faculty Present research Publish research papers Teaching Faculty Some attend a few talks Some attend workshops Faculty Type from: Manduca et al. (2017) Science Advances

15 Data Analysis and Geoscience Careers
In your most recent [introcuctory/major] course, which of the following did you do? N Mean St. Dev. Sig. (T-Test) Q22_1 - [Include information about geoscience and STEM careers and career pathways in your course.] 856 3.176 <0.001 1200 3.633 Q22_3 - [Highlight alumni from your program who are working in geoscience.] 1143 3.118 913 3.850 Q22_4 - [Give an assignment in which students explore geoscience careers.] 1877 3.408 0.003 179 3.816 Q22_5 - [Promote internship and research opportunities to all students.] 1224 3.181 832 3.829 Q22_6 - [Publicize job search and career resources available on your campus.] 1552 3.267 504 3.986 Q22_7 - [Help students with applications for internships, research experiences, and/or jobs.] 1289 3.139 767 3.954 Q22_8 - [Make explicit connections between skills needed in the geoscience workforce and course assignments and outcomes.] 1004 2.888 1052 3.972 RQ: What is the relationship between the use of data analysis skills and geoscience careers support/promotion?

16 Data Analysis and Geoscience Careers
Faculty that discuss geoscience careers in their courses use more data analysis skills in those courses

17 Resources for Teaching Data Analysis and Quantitative Skills
There has been a lot of work already done on quantitative skills and data analysis skills! There have also been discussions about how to infuse these skills across the curriculum --Many resources from On The Cutting Edge and ITG to help get you started

18 Summary Quantitative skills need to be strengthened, especially needed in intro courses Faculty that use effective teaching practices are more likely to have students use data analysis and quantitative skills in their courses Faculty that teach small courses and from baccalaureate institutions are more likely to have students use data analysis skills Faculty that discuss geoscience careers in their courses use more data analysis items in their courses

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