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XIS QE Degradation in Orbit XIS Review2006 Mar 10

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1 XIS QE Degradation in Orbit XIS Review2006 Mar 10
K. Hayashida, E.Miller, N. Anabuki, S. Katsuda, K. Torii, H. Tsunemi (Osaka Univ), H. Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ.), A.Bamba (Riken), M. Kokubun (Tokyo Univ.) and the SUZAKU XIS team

2 Outline of the Problem Findings
Some of the observed spectra at low energy (<1keV) were not what we expected According to the knowledge from previous missions. Inconsistent among the XIS 4 sensors QE degradation at low energy is explained by introducing extra carbon absorber in the XIS response (~2005Dec). Contamination is most likely cause. We performed repeated observations of one source (E0102). Evolution of the QE degradation was found. XIS response in which extra carbon absorber was prepared and distributed to SWG members and GOs, with empirical model of its time evolution. Analysis of diffuse sources indicated nonuniformity of the carbon absorber within XIS FOV. Contamination on OBF is most likely cause. Analysis of atmospheric fluorescent line provided further data for time evolution and nonuniformity. Detailed spectrum analysis of some sources provided information on the composition of the absorber.

3 Dark-level Subtraction Event Extraction
(Assumed) Incident X-ray Spectrum from an Object XIS Hardware X-ray intensity Frame Data Object Energy Observed X-ray Spectrum Convolved with XIS Response Data Processing Onboard DE & Ground Observed X-ray spectrum is compared with assumed incident spectra convolved with the XIS response. Dark-level Subtraction Event Extraction Pulse Height (PHA) construction Counts/sec/keV PHA

4 Key Objects Stable (Incident Spectrum known) Extended over FOV
Always Observable ? Energy Range Target of the contaminant study RXJ1856 Yes (maybe) No 0.2-1keV Composition E0102 Yes 0.4-3keV Evolution Cygnus Loop Yes at somelevel 0.2-3keV Uniformity PK2155 No but Smooth 0.2-12keV Atmospheric F.L. 0.39keV 0.52keV

5 RXJ1856.5-3754 Discovered with ROSAT
Nearby (D~120pc) Isolated Neutron Star X-ray spectrum is fitted with a simple blackbody ( against NS atmosphere model). R~4-5km Quark Star ?


7 RXJ1856 Observed with Suzaku 2005-10/24~26 RMF 20051210 a-d for XIS1
Rev0.3 data -10eV offset C-K edge ~0.3keV a: Based Cal on the Ground b: a x excess0.15mmC c: Dead Layer =Design Value d: c x excess0.15mmC

8 Suzaku/XIS Contamination Measurements with E0102
E0102: SNR in SMC, bright in soft X-ray lines excellent calibrator for low-E gain, QE changes contamination degrading low-E eff. area of all XIS’s model thermal bremss + 24 Gaussian emission lines Galactic + SMC absorption pure C absorption from contaminant (varabs) gain shift -5 eV ~ -15 ev r2 ~ 1.6 (FIs) to 2.5 (BI) OVIII NeIX NeX OVII MgXI

9 XIS Contamination Rate
empirical correction for observers contamination rate turnover (?) SMC NH uncertainty  systematic error ±0.02 m independent of epoch change in effective C column: chip slope intercept (1016 cm-2/day) XIS0 1.6 ± ±4.0 XIS1 2.7 ± ±15 XIS2 3.1 ± ±14 XIS3 4.1 ± ±50.

10 Cyg Loop Nearby Old Super Nova Remnant 2005Nov 4pointgs C-band

11 C-band/CVI-band map in detector coordinate =Inidicating absorber thickness is not uniform

12 C Absorber thickness is about 1/2 at Rim (2005 Nov)
Center Rim Center Rim NH [cm-2] 4x1020 (fix) kTe [keV] 0.2 (fix) C [nm] 248 ±3 C Absorber thickness is about 1/2 at Rim (2005 Nov)

13 Atmospheric Fluorescence Line
When the telescope is looking at the shining Earth or its atmosphere, fluorescence lines of the Earth atmosphere (N-K, O-K) by Solar X-rays are contaminated in the observed spectra. Intensity and line ratio depends on the elevation angle from the Earth rim and the Solar activity. N-K (0.39keV) O-K (0.52keV) DAY EARTH 0 < DYE_ELV < 5 5 < DYE_ELV < 10 10 < DYE_ELV < 20 20 < DYE_ELV < 30

14 Atmospheric N-K line Map XIS1(BI)
From Anabuki et al.’s poster Color code is adjusted for each map N-K line Day Earth 0 < DYE_ELV < 5 5 < DYE_ELV < 10 10 < DYE_ELV < 15 15 < DYE_ELV < 20 20 < DYE_ELV < 25

15 Atmospheric O-K line Map XIS1(BI)
0 < DYE_ELV < 5 Day Earth 5 < DYE_ELV < 10 10 < DYE_ELV < 15 15 < DYE_ELV < 20 20 < DYE_ELV < 25

16 Day Earth Radial Profile (vignetting corrected,normalized by center region)
N-K line O-K line SN1006_NE_BGD Mrk 3 N-K line O-K line A2811_offset NGC 4388 MBM12_off Cloud

17 Center 6mm radius / Other area
N-K line O-K line Mean Free Path in C(2.2g/cc) 0.182mm for N-K line 0.375mm for O-K line Spatial Difference in Carbon contamination thickness can be modeled with Atmospheric N-K, O-K data. Thickness at the center is evaluated by E0102 and RXJ1856 obs. Thickness (t,detx,dety) will be modeled/introduced in arfbuilder (or rmfbuilder).

18 Contamination Rate is Decreasing ?
N-K line O-K line [Central 6mm radius count rate] / [Outer area count rate] c.r.(center) - c.r.(outer)=0.9x10-3 mm/day c.r.(center)~ 2.5x10-3 mm/day c.r.(outer)=1.6x10-3 mm/day Time(sec)

19 PKS2155-304 XIS1(BI) NH(Gal)*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*N_O*Pow
NH(Gal)=1.65e20cm~-2 XIS1(BI) NH(Gal)*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*N_O*Pow XIS3(FI) NH(Gal)*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*N_O*Pow

20 N_C vs N_O XIS1(BI) XIS3(FI) N_C(1e18cm^-2) 2.4+/-0.030 4.4+/-0.098
N_O(1e17cm^-2) 1.4+/-0.29 5.4+/-0.55 N_O/N_C 0.059+/-0.012 0.12+/-0.013 Cf DEHP(C24H38O4) N_O/N_C=1/6=0.17

21 If we assume the contaminant is DEHP…
XIS1 XIS3 Assuming DEHP NH(Gal)*DEHP*Pow NH(Gal)*DEHP*Pow XIS1 XIS3 Best fit C/O ratio NH(Gal)*N_C*N_O*Pow NH(Gal)*N_C*N_O*Pow The data may not reject the possibility of DEHP.

22 Nature of Contaminant: 1E 0102-72.3
NO = 0 Aug 05 Dec 05, Jan 06, Feb 06 BI residuals change with time Aug 2005 ~ no contamination Dec 2005 and later excess absorption in model below 0.5 keV too much C, adding O improves residuals formally: NO/Nc < 0.2 (90%) NC/NO= 6 Aug 05 Dec 05, Jan 06, Feb 06

23 Nature of Contaminant:RX J1856.5
gain fit BI FI BI: -10 eV shift NO / NC <0.10 FI: eV shift NO / NC < 0.11 90% limit


25 Summary QE degradation in Suzaku XIS has been studied.
Absorber (Contaminat) thickness: XIS0<XIS1<XIS2<XIS3 C-absorber thickness: Rim ~ 1/2 of the Center Contamination Rate was almost constant, but there is a hint that the rate is decreasing recently. Carbon is dominant in Cotaminant . There is a small contribution of O; N_O/N_C <0.13, which is smaller than DEHP value of 0.17, but we need to consider systematic error of response models before concluding the contaminant is pure DEHP or not. RXJ1856 observation in this March will help it Modeling the QE degradation is in progress with E0102 data and atmospheric N-K line data. Promising at least for BI-CCD (XIS1) so far. However, low energy band will be unavailable if the QE degradation continues.

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