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Last minute revision! Lesson Aim: How to best prepare for the mocks.

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Presentation on theme: "Last minute revision! Lesson Aim: How to best prepare for the mocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Last minute revision! Lesson Aim: How to best prepare for the mocks.

2 How do I write a decent essay?
Write on the tables. Think about structure, words, analysis, peel etc. Then we will look at some examples.





i. The Vienna Settlement - Why was Unification unlikely in 1815? ii. What were the forces of change ? – Legacy of Napoleon and growth of Liberalism and Nationalism. iii. The Early Revolutions and – causes, events and consequences iv. Mazzini, Gioberti and Balbo. 2. Revolutions in Italy : i. General Long term and short term causes of the 1848 Revolutions. ii. The Revolutions in Sicily and Naples; Lombardy; Venetia; Piedmont; Parma and Modena; Rome and Tuscany. iii. Why did the Revolutions fail? The Position of Piedmont : i. The position of Piedmont, Cavour and Garibaldi up to the early 50s. ii. The Developments in Piedmont : Political, economic and Religious The Stages of Unification : Stage 1 – Acquisition of Lombardy. Stage 2 – Acquisition of Tuscany, Modena, Parma, and Romagna. Stage 3 – Acquisition of Sicily, Naples and the Papal States. Stage 4 - Acquisition of Venetia and Rome.

8 OVERVIEW OF CONTENT The German Confederation, 1815-48:
i. Why was Unification unlikely in 1815? ii. What were the forces of change ? iii. ‘Peaceful Dualism’ Austrian political and Prussian economic control. Revolutions in Germany : i. The Frankfurt Parliament. ii. The Prussian Revolution. The Rise of Prussia, : i. Economic and Political developments. 4. Diplomacy and War, : i. Bismarck, Master Planner or Opportunist. ii. The Polish Revolt 1863. iii. War with Denmark 1864. iv. Austro-Prussian War, the Seven Weeks War 1866. v. The Franco-Prussian War Bismarck’s Germany : i. Developing a National Identity in a united Germany Bismarck’s relationship with political parties 1871 – 1890. ii. The ‘Kulturekampf’ and social policies under Bismarck

9 Potential Italy/Germany Qs – see sheets.
About 50 mins per Q – there is planning time. Choice of 2 questions for Italy/Germany. Be careful with date ranges/focus of Qs. For above a C you must analyse – points/language. Less is more – evidence/amount written. Neat or at least legible writing! Any questions about anything to do with the mocks?

10 Planning out essays….. Factors/key evidence/argument.
Then you can check with me about examples etc. Don’t spend more than 15 mins on a plan. Choose ones that there isn’t help for on website, haven’t written etc.

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