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Greek & Latin Word Parts Vocab 8

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1 Greek & Latin Word Parts Vocab 8
doc, erg, nym, tele, trib

2 teach doc (Latin) SAT Focus Word: doctrine (n.) document docile
a particular policy, practice, or principle that is taught (Catholic doctrines, the Monroe Doctrine) Context: The Truman Doctrine was focused on freeing people from oppressive Communistic governments. document a written or printed piece of paper that provides information or evidence (passport, deed, bill of sale...) docile quiet, easily managed (ready to be taught) Other words: doctor, documentation

3 work erg (Greek) SAT Focus Word: ergonomic (adj.) energy allergy
(especially of workplace design) intended to provide optimum comfort and to avoid stress or injury Context: An ergonomic keyboard is designed to reduce the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome. energy the power to accomplish work allergy a body’s abnormal reaction to a foreign substance (usually causing the body to work harder) Other words: energetics, ergometer, ergograph Energetics is a science that looks at energy and its transformation. Ergometer is an exercise machine that measures muscle power, and an ergograph measures muscle group activity.

4 name, word nym (Greek) SAT Focus Word: acronym (n.) antonym anonymous
an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (AIDS, OPEC, AWOL, etc.) Context: BAE is an acronym for “before anyone else.” antonym a word of opposite meaning anonymous not named Other words: synonym, homonym

5 far, at a distance tele (Greek) SAT Focus Word: telepathy (n.)
communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception Context: Telepathy is also known as “thought transference.” telegraph apparatus for communication at a distance television an electronic system of transmitting moving images with sound Other words: telescope, telegram, telecast, telephone

6 give, assign Trib (Latin) SAT Focus Word: attribute (v.) tribute
to assign cause to (give credit to) Context: He attributes his success to his supportive teachers. tribute a gift or service showing respect or affection contribute give in order to help achieve or provide something Other words: tributary, contribution

7 Blood Condition -Emia (Greek) hypoglycemia hyperglycemia toxemia
Suffix of the Week: -Emia (Greek) Blood Condition hypoglycemia hyperglycemia toxemia leukemia anemia toxemia—an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension (high blood pressure), fluid retention, edema, and the presence of protein in the urine (preeclampsia)—originally thought to be blood poisoning during pregnancy

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