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Health Messages for Sweet Smiles Club. Keep your blood sugar within the normal range and consult your doctor in case of high or low levels.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Messages for Sweet Smiles Club. Keep your blood sugar within the normal range and consult your doctor in case of high or low levels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Messages for Sweet Smiles Club

2 Keep your blood sugar within the normal range and consult your doctor in case of high or low levels

3 Measure your blood sugar before meals and two hours after meals

4 Rotate insulin injection sites in your body and do not inject in one place many times

5 Make sure of the correct dose of insulin before injection

6 Replace sweets with fresh fruits as they are beneficial to you.

7 Eat your meals and snacks regularly and do not miss or delay any meal or snack

8 Ensure consuming 3 cups of low fat milk, Laban or yogurt every day to keep your bones and teeth strong حليب قليل الدسم

9 Reduce your intake of animal fat, butter, ghee and greasy foods

10 Do not forget to consume fresh vegetables and fruits because they are good for your health, and consume them at your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks

11 Always carry with you cubes of sugar or juice to use them in case of low blood sugar events

12 Always carry with you your diabetes identification card

13 Practice exercise regularly, such as fast walking or biking

14 Do not forget drinking water because it is beneficial to your health

15 Reduce your intake of sugar, desserts and sweetened drinks

16 Inform your parents or teachers when you feel sick or with low blood sugar level

17 Make sure of washing your hands with water and soap many times aday

18 Take care of your teeth and wash them with tooth paste and brush at least in the morning and before bed

19 Keep your body clean and care about your skin and feet all the time

20 Be careful of sharp tools and do not play with electrical wires or chemical materials

21 Eat only safe and healthy foods

22 Purchase only healthy and nutritious foods from supermarkets and ask your parents on food contents and carbohydrate amounts on foods labels

23 Practice safety when you cross streets and always set at the back seat of your fathers car and wear safety belt

24 Do not throw the used insulin needles or blood sugar testing items in the garbage. Place them in a special container that has a cover

25 When you travel or move out keep your insulin in a cold place, but not in the freezer

26 If you feel sick or with fever drink more water and healthy beverages, and check your blood sugar many times a day.

27 We wish you a safe and a healthy life Health Education Committee Saudi Diabetes & Endocrine Association

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