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Impressive Courts of Honor

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1 Impressive Courts of Honor
Scott Burroughs

2 Why Courts of Honor? Public recognition of the achievements of the scouts Used as encouragement to help the boys earn ranks and badges

3 Who, Where, When and How often
Courts of Honor should be conducted by the Scouts themselves (Communications Merit Badge Req. 8) Any appropriate place can serve, whether it is your regular meeting location or around a campfire setting Should be conducted fairly regularly to keep both scouts and their families engaged

4 Elements of a Court of Honor
Entrance and presentation of colors Opening Convening of the Court of Honor Awards Presentations Special program features Retire Colors Closing

5 Ideas that Enhance Recognition of Scout achievement in Scouting and outside of Scouting  (If we know about a special accomplishment or award a Scout has received outside of Scouting we’ll mention it at the court of honor) Ceremony and decorum. Parents and families witnessing  the entire troop in action. Encouragement to wear the uniform properly Keep it to less than 1 hour

6 Things to avoid Lengthy Announcements. Administrative business.
Council or District fundraising. Adults up front running things.

7 Special Program A video clip/slide show highlighting an activity or the last few months Scout Demonstration Song/cheer

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