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CEOS Thematic Acquisition Strategies Status & Issues

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1 CEOS Thematic Acquisition Strategies Status & Issues
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS Thematic Acquisition Strategies Status & Issues Stephen Briggs (SIT Chair) CEOS Plenary 2016 Agenda Item 2.1 Brisbane, Australia 1st – 2nd November 2016

2 Background SIT Chair emphasis on ensuring well-founded, directed and sustained thematic acquisition strategies for CEOS Review of status of existing strategies and highlighting issues to be addressed Ensuring GEO efforts are connected and well-directed Productive discussions at SIT-31 & SIT-TW

3 Summary Status Significant existing commitments with substantial data acquisition implications Theme Initiative CEOS Group External Counterparts Notes Forests GFOI SDCG GFOI (Office, GEO), FAO Great geometry and policy basis. Need for emphasis on country uptake in Significant opportunities post COP and with GNU. Being mainstreamed by FAO/UN-REDD. Agriculture GEOGLAM Ad-hoc WG GEOGLAM (PO, GEO), JECAM G20 Ministerial support affirmed with a strong focus by GEOGLAM Steering Committee on the promotion, application and uptake of remote sensing data; data requirements update to be completed in early 2017; additional focus on rangelands and rice. Disasters Geohazard Supersites Recovery Observatory Hazard Pilots Data Coordination Team (DCT) of WG Disasters Various, depending on project Sustained provision of data to an increasing number of DRR projects characterized by a significant user engagement. Good coordination of data provision between space agencies, ensured by the DCT, single group within WGDisasters for all projects.

4 Summary Status Significant existing commitments with substantial data acquisition implications Theme Initiative CEOS Group External Counterparts Notes Carbon SIT Chair as interim Solid requirements in CEOS Carbon Strategy. Scale and complexity of endeavour has stalled progress. Step-by-step agreed at SIT-TW. Previous GEOCARBON not broadly recognised. New GEOCARBON initiative started. Water WSIST GEO CoP Some concern at GEO Water Strategy lack of policy links and institutional support. Progress on selected tasks in CEOS response (synergistic measurements and water quality). Reboot in GEO direction anticipated – expectations for GEOGLOWS. Climate WG Climate GCOS, UNFCCC Significant past delays in progress of Climate Architecture and ECV inventory but recent improvement. Clear counterpart and focus, based on GCOS IP and response.

5 Issues for attention LSI-VC review of agency tools to manage multiple requirements didn’t yield much of value for CEOS use. But practical efficiency of bringing forests and agriculture under LSI-VC banner still a logical goal. Viable way forward formulated at SIT-TW on Carbon, for Plenary discussion. Must encourage GEO to ensure success of GEOCARBON to demonstrate credibility If GEO is the counterpart for CEOS on Water, opinion tends to the need for stronger requirements, with better policy linkages and large institutional buy-in. GEO must demonstrate credible geometry and strategy Will GEO achieve anything via GD-08?

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