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It’s so perfect they had to make more of it.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s so perfect they had to make more of it."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s so perfect they had to make more of it.
Pluperfect It’s so perfect they had to make more of it.

2 olim, nauta florem magicum quaesivit.

3 postquam nauta florem magicum diu quaesiverat, ad aedificium advenit.

4 postquam aedificio appropinquaverat, nauta vocavit.
Heus! Anybody home?

5 postquam nauta vocaverat, nemo respondit
postquam nauta vocaverat, nemo respondit. ergo, nauta aedificium intravit.

6 postquam nauta aedificium intraverat, florem magicum conspexit.

7 postquam nauta florem magicum conspexerat, florem cepit.

8 postquam florem ceperat, flos nautam consumpsit
postquam florem ceperat, flos nautam consumpsit. et victimam aliam expectabat.

9 Pluperfect “plus” + “perfectus” = “pluperfect”
translates “had ______ed” or “had been ______ing.”

10 Pluperfect 3rd Principal Part of the Verb + form of “erat”
amo, amare, amavi amaveramus = “we had loved” amaverat=“he had loved” Singular Plural 1st Person eram eramus 2nd Person eras eratis 3rd Person erat erant

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