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The Classical Model fifth century B.C., the classical argument- Roman court system a model for writers and speakers For those who believe their case can.

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Presentation on theme: "The Classical Model fifth century B.C., the classical argument- Roman court system a model for writers and speakers For those who believe their case can."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Classical Model fifth century B.C., the classical argument- Roman court system a model for writers and speakers For those who believe their case can be argued logically and plausibly to an open-minded audience (perhaps the Lords of the National AP Lang Exam in May???)

Introduction or exordium Narration or narratio Confirmation or confirmatio Refutation or refutatio Conclusion or peroratio Aristotle says you must remember the Latin Terminology! Quiz Next week!

3 The Classical Model Exordium: Narratio: Confirmatio:
The speaker/writer tries to win the attention and goodwill of an audience while introducing a subject or problem. Narratio: The S/W present the facts of the case, explaining what happened when, who is involved and so on. The narratio puts argument in context. Confirmatio: The S/W offers details support for claim, using both logical reasoning and factual evidence.

4 The Classical Model Refutatio: Peroratio:
The S/W recognizes and refutes opposing claims or evidence. Peroratio: The S/W summarizes the case and moves the audience to action.

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