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All Childhood Cancers:

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1 All Childhood Cancers: 2009-2011
Average Number of New Deaths per Year, Crude and World Age-Standardised (AS) Mortality Rates per Million Population, Ages 0-14, UK Northern England Wales Scotland Ireland UK Deaths 113 4 10 4 132 Crude Rate 23.8 16.3 23.7 21.9 23.3 Male AS Rate 23.6 15.6 24.2 22.7 23.3 AS Rate - 95% LCL 21.1 7.1 15.7 9.9 21.0 AS Rate - 95% UCL 26.1 24.0 32.8 35.6 25.6 Deaths 101 5 9 5 120 Crude Rate 22.3 18.5 21.6 28.9 22.3 Female AS Rate 22.4 18.5 21.6 28.7 22.3 AS Rate - 95% LCL 19.9 8.8 13.4 14.2 20.0 AS Rate - 95% UCL 24.9 28.2 29.7 43.3 24.7 Deaths 215 9 19 9 252 Crude Rate 23.0 17.4 22.7 25.3 22.8 Persons AS Rate 23.0 17.0 22.9 25.6 22.8 AS Rate - 95% LCL 21.2 10.6 17.0 16.0 21.2 AS Rate - 95% UCL 24.8 23.4 28.8 35.3 24.4 95% LCL and 95% UCL are the 95% lower and upper confidence limits around the AS Rate. All childhood cancers includes all malignant tumours (ICD-10 codes: C00-C97), and all benign, uncertain or unknown behaviour brain and other CNS tumours (ICD-10 codes: D32-D33, D35.2-D35.4, D42-D43 and D44.3-D44.5, except for Northern Ireland for which ICD-10 codes: D32,D33.0-D33.4, D35.2-D35.4, D42, D43.0-D43.4 and D44.3-D44.5 are included). Note: These rates are per million population and deaths for males and females may not add up to the total for all persons due to rounding. Please include the citation provided in our Frequently Asked Questions when reproducing this table: Prepared by Cancer Research UK Original data sources: 1. Office for National Statistics Mortality Statistics: Deaths registered in England and Wales 2. General Register Office for Scotland, Deaths Time Series Data, Deaths in Scotland 3. Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Deaths by cause

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