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Program and Abstract Creation System (PACS) Overview

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1 Program and Abstract Creation System (PACS) Overview
American Chemical Society Program and Abstract Creation System (PACS) Overview Farai Tsokodayi  American Chemical Society Division of Membership and Scientific Advancement Member Communities

2 PACS Manages Workflows
PACS is the primary resource for managing the national meeting technical program Authors: Abstract submissions Symposium Organizers: Review, acceptance/rejection of submitted abstracts Arranging accepted abstracts into sessions Program Chairs: Submission of the Call for Papers (symposia) Scheduling of the sessions Submitting the preliminary and final programs ACS Staff: Review technical program to determine location and room assignments Export the preliminary and final programs, separates, CD-ROM, and preprints American Chemical Society

3 PACS Manages Timelines
244th National Meeting & Exposition Philadelphia, PA August 19-23, 2012 Due Date Call for Papers from program chairs to ACS 12/5/2011 Call for Papers published in C&EN 1/23/2012 PACS Opens for author abstract submission PACS Closes to Authors (recommended) 3/19/2012 PACS Closes to Symposium Organizers (recommended) 4/2/2012 Room requests 4/11/2012 Preliminary program from program chairs to ACS Meetings 4/16/2012 Final technical program from program chairs to ACS (PACS closes to program chairs) 4/30/2012 *Preliminary program publishes in C&EN 6/25/2012 *Final technical program publishes in C&EN 7/30/2012 Philadelphia meeting begins 8/19/2012 *Preliminary dates. Subject to change according to C&EN deadlines American Chemical Society

4 PACS Manages Access Access to PACS is through the ACS ID
Abstract submitters Symposium Organizers Program Chairs Admin Staff FORMS Rosters ACS ID required to access PACS consistent with the allowed access control privileges ACS ID required to access other ACS services American Chemical Society

5 National Meeting Timeline
Activity Time Memo to program chairs to enter Call for Papers 0 Call for Papers entered in PACS & Deadline dates sent to ACS 0.5 Call for Papers published in C&EN; Abstract submission opens 1.25 PACS closes to Authors (recommended) 1.5 PACS closes to Symposium Organizers (recommended) 0.5 Preliminary program due from program chairs; Room requests due 0.5 Final technical program due from program chairs (PACS closes to PC) 0.5 Preliminary program publishes in C&EN* 1.25 Final technical program publishes in C&EN* 1 Meeting begins 1 8 months Why does it take so long to produce a national meeting? American Chemical Society

6 National Meeting Timeline
Memo to Program Chairs on Call for Papers (2 weeks) Communicates with committees and constituents to finalize program Communicates with organizers to confirm invited and contributed symposia Enters technical program into PACS Dates set by division (within limits) Abstract submission closes Symposium organizer access closes Dates set by ACS Abstract submission opens Preliminary program due Final program due Send the Call for Papers and Deadline Dates to ACS American Chemical Society

7 National Meeting Timeline
Call for Papers and Deadline Dates Received (4 weeks) PACS Staff Clarifies programming with program chairs Configures PACS for abstract submission Produces the CFP for publication Logistics Staff Drafts technical program locations and configures registration C&EN Staff Produces the Call for Paper issue Abstract Submission Opens American Chemical Society

8 National Meeting Timeline
PACS Opens for Abstract Submission (5 weeks) [Close date set by the division/committee] Program Chairs Grant access to organizers (ACS ID needed) Train organizers on reviewing sessions Add late symposia Monitor activity of incoming abstracts Organizers Learn how to review and schedule abstracts in PACS Clarify invitation with the invited speakers PACS staff Communicates with Program Chairs and Organizers to resolve issues Abstract Submission Closes American Chemical Society

9 National Meeting Timeline
PACS Closes to Authors (2 weeks) Organizers/Program Chairs Review/accept/reject abstracts Create new sessions as needed Arrange papers in sessions Assign order and times for presentations Enter estimated seating (attendance) Enter session moderators Enter late abstracts Program Chairs Review symposia PACS Closes to Symposium Organizers American Chemical Society

10 National Meeting Timeline
PACS Closes to Symposium Organizers (2 weeks) Program Chairs Schedule unassigned abstracts Move to other symposia or divisions Penultimate review of symposia Arrange sessions consistent with Even Programming Rules Submit Preliminary Program and Room Requests American Chemical Society

11 National Meeting Timeline
Submit Preliminary Program and Room Requests (2 weeks) ACS Staff Even Programming Call with M&E ACS Logistics Staff assesses technical program room requests Drafts division locations within space available M&E assesses compliance with Even Programming Rule ACS PACS Staff assesses complete/incomplete programs Program Chairs Work with ACS PACS Staff to bring programs into EPR compliance and finalize sessions Submit Final Program American Chemical Society

12 National Meeting Timeline
Activity Time Memo to program chairs to enter Call for Papers 0 Call for Papers entered in PACS & Deadline dates sent to ACS 0.5 Call for Papers published in C&EN; Abstract submission opens 1.25 PACS closes to Authors (recommended) 1.5 PACS closes to Symposium Organizers (recommended) 0.5 Preliminary program due from program chairs; Room requests due 0.5 Program Chairs submit final program months Preliminary program publishes in C&EN* 1.25 Final program publishes in C&EN* 1 Meeting begins 1 8 months American Chemical Society

13 National Meeting Timeline
Submit Final Program  Meeting (3.25 months) PACS Staff Export, composition & production of the preliminary, final, on-site program book, CAS export, separates, CD-ROM Acceptance and scheduling notices Meetings Staff Finalizes locations and rooms Processes AV, banquet orders, and room requests Vendors Hotels, convention center, audio visual, registration “The Other Meetings” Governance, Expo C&EN Staff Preliminary and Final Program issues Division ads American Chemical Society

14 Support for Program Chairs
PACS Resource Page: PACS Support: Farai Tsokodayi Robin Green PACS User Guides and Webinars on the “Get Involved, Stay Involved” web site Program Chair’s Procedure Manual: > Membership & Networks > Technical Divisions > Program Chairs’ Procedure Manual American Chemical Society

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