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“At VPA, It Starts with the Arts”

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Presentation on theme: "“At VPA, It Starts with the Arts”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “At VPA, It Starts with the Arts”
Classroom News! August 14th-18th “At VPA, It Starts with the Arts” A peek at the week A Note from Your Teacher: Math: Word Study: Writing: Reading: Science/Social Studies: Hello and welcome to First Grade!! I am so excited to have you in my class this year and can’t wait to get to know you more! We are going to have such an awesome year together.  Parents, please make sure your child has all their school supplies by the end of this week if you haven’t sent them already. There will be lots of information going home over the next few days so PLEASE check your child’s folder daily and return papers that need to be filled out or signed. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me through DOJO or . Mark your calendar Upcoming Assessments Monday, August 14th Star of the Week Please remember to check your child’s folder daily & remove any papers. Everyone! ©K. DeRoche ‘16

2 Upcoming tests & assignments
Classroom News! August 12th- 16th Ms. Kristi DeRoche + Mark your calendar * A peek at the week q Reading: “Because of winn dixie” making inferences vocabulary: chaos, hero, develop, celebrate Language Linking verbs Spelling synonyms Words: welcome, foggy, rumbles, thriller, fossil, willow, slender, blanket, blossom August 12th – 1st Day of School August 22nd- open house September 2nd- no school, labor day A Note from Your Teacher: n Text*text*text*Text*text*text* Upcoming tests & assignments r Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24th Star of the Week Kailey Barnes ©K. DeRoche ‘16

3 Upcoming tests & assignments
Classroom News! August 12th- 16th Ms. Kristi DeRoche + A peek at the week q Spelling words: n Reading: “Because of winn dixie” genre comprehension skill Language: Linking verbs Define it, find it in a sentence, use it in a sentences Spelling: synonyms Upcoming tests & assignments r Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24th Vocabulary words z Development Chaos Illustrate hero ©K. DeRoche ‘16


5 Also available in my TPT store!

6 KG Miss Kindy Chunk, KG Summer Storm, Sweet Pea Pea Da Lovely

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