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The media are ruining English

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Presentation on theme: "The media are ruining English"— Presentation transcript:

1 The media are ruining English
When did people start warning that English was becoming corrupted?

2 The media are ruining English
When did people start warning that English was becoming corrupted? What do they think will be the end result?

3 The media are ruining English
When did people start warning that English was becoming corrupted? What do they think will be the end result? When did people start blaming the media?

4 The media are ruining English
When did people start warning that English was becoming corrupted? What do they think will be the end result? When did people start blaming the media? (1900s)

5 The media are ruining English
When did people start warning that English was becoming corrupted? What do they think will be the end result? When did people start blaming the media? (1900s) Why are the media thought to be responsible?

6 The media are ruining English
Who has said “between you and I”?

7 The media are ruining English
Who has said “between you and I”? Shakespeare

8 The media are ruining English
Old view of language change X slowly evolves into Y

9 The media are ruining English
Old view of language change X slowly evolves into Y New view of language change Y emerges and coexists with X, then slowly ousts X

10 The media are ruining English
Old view of language change X slowly evolves into Y New view of language change Y emerges and coexists with X, then slowly ousts X Do the media initiate the new forms?

11 The media are ruining English
CONtroversy versus conTROversy KILometer versus kiLOmeter What new pronunciations have you heard?

12 The media are ruining English
CONtroversy versus conTROversy KILometer versus kiLOmeter What new pronunciations have you heard? BAPtize versus bapTIZE GUItar versus guiTAR

13 The media are ruining English
CONtroversy versus conTROversy KILometer versus kiLOmeter What new pronunciations have you heard? BAPtize versus bapTIZE GUItar versus guiTAR What new meanings have you heard?

14 The media are ruining English
CONtroversy versus conTROversy KILometer versus kiLOmeter What new pronunciations have you heard? GUItar versus guiTAR BAPtize versus bapTIZE What new meanings have you heard? Random

15 The media are ruining English
CONtroversy versus conTROversy KILometer versus kiLOmeter What new pronunciations have you heard? GUItar versus guiTAR BAPtize versus bapTIZE What new meanings have you heard? Random What new words have you heard? COHA shows new words

16 Children can't speak properly anymore
It's not the media's fault, it's the kids

17 Children can't speak properly anymore
It's not the media's fault, it's the kids If this is true then literacy must be declining. Is it?

18 Children can't speak properly anymore
It's not the media's fault, it's the kids If this is true then literacy must be declining. Is it?

19 Children can't speak properly anymore
What point in time are people saying people spoke properly. What's the golden age?

20 Children can't speak properly anymore
What point in time are people saying people spoke properly. What's the golden age? Since 1700s people have been decrying linguistic corruption. What does this tell us?

21 Children can't speak properly anymore
What point in time are people saying people spoke properly. What's the golden age? Since 1700s people have been decrying linguistic corruption. What does this tell us? There is more literacy now More people have a college education

22 Children can't speak properly anymore
What point in time are people saying people spoke properly. What's the golden age? Since 1700s people have been decrying linguistic corruption. What does this tell us? There is more literacy now More people have a college education So what is the issue?

23 What do Americans think of the British?
Black English What do Americans think of the British?

24 What do Americans think of the British? Of New Yorkers?
Black English What do Americans think of the British? Of New Yorkers?

25 Black English What do Americans think of the British? Of New Yorkers?
Of Southerners?

26 Black English What do Americans think of the British? Of New Yorkers?
Of Southerners? Of inner-city dwellers?

27 Bad grammar is not linguistically bad, but socially frowned upon
Black English Bad grammar is not linguistically bad, but socially frowned upon

28 Black English What adjectives describe how these languages sound?
German French Italian

29 Black English What adjectives describe how these languages sound?
German French Italian This reflects ideas about speakers, not language Can sounds really be romantic, playful, harsh?

30 Can you tell a person's ethnicity by their speech?
Black English Can you tell a person's ethnicity by their speech?

31 Black English Can you tell a person's ethnicity by their speech?
Can you tell a person's native country?

32 Black English Can you tell a person's ethnicity by their speech?
Can you tell a person's native country? Can you tell a person's gender?

33 Black English Can you tell a person's ethnicity by their speech?
Can you tell a person's native country? Can you tell a person's gender? Use of “cute” “dude” “whateverrrrr” Can you tell a person's age?

34 Black English Can you tell a person's ethnicity by their speech?
Can you tell a person's native country? Can you tell a person's gender? Use of “cute” “dude” “whateverrrrr” Can you tell a person's age? “gal” “based on” versus “based off of”

35 Black English What we think about a person's language reflects our view of that person

36 Myths Blacks aren't smart enough to learn proper English
Black English Myths Blacks aren't smart enough to learn proper English

37 Black English Myths Blacks aren't smart enough to learn proper English
Blacks raised in White community

38 Black English Myths Blacks aren't smart enough to learn proper English
Blacks raised in White community Blacks thick lips prevent fluency

39 Black English Myths Blacks aren't smart enough to learn proper English
Blacks raised in White community Blacks thick lips prevent fluency Tongue-tied people Koreans having kids tongues modified

40 Black do poorer on language tests. Why?
Black English Black do poorer on language tests. Why?

41 Black English Black do poorer on language tests. Why?
Test are in different dialect Let's test you in AAVE Which sentence means action happening now? Marquita reading a book Marquita be reading a book

42 Black English Myth Dialects that don't follow rules of Standard English don't have rules

43 Black English Myth Dialects that don't follow rules of Standard English don't have rules and are wrong Reality: They have different rules

44 Why do test scores show this hierarchy? Asians > Whites > Blacks
Black English Why do test scores show this hierarchy? Asians > Whites > Blacks

45 Black English Why do test scores show this hierarchy?
Asians > Whites > Blacks Is it genetic/race based?

46 Black English Why do test scores show this hierarchy?
Asians > Whites > Blacks Is it genetic/race based? It is cultural Compare US and African Blacks

47 Black English Why do test scores show this hierarchy?
Asians > Whites > Blacks Is it genetic/race based? It is cultural Compare US and African Blacks Teachers spend more time with White kids

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