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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHY LIFE WITHOUT OBESITY VIA SPORT"— Presentation transcript:


2 ABOUT US Association for the Disabled „Joy of life”
Association for the Disabled “Joy of life” was established in 1999 of the initiative of a group of disabled people, institutions and people whose occupation is social assistance, with the support of Dąbrowa Białostocka municipal and Sokólski administrative district governments. The main reason for appointing the Association was creation of the Occupational Therapy Workshop.

3 Association for the Disabled „Joy of life”
The Workshop started on 1 March A qualified staff was employed for leading the activities with 35 disabled people. The Workshop ensures the activities in six workshops: every-day life workshop, technical workshop, rehabilitation workshop, workshop of art with pottery elements, pedagogic workshop, handicraft workshop,

4 1. Every-day life workshop
The workshop main tasks are: Teaching of preparation simple meals for a group and eating them together would make it possible to overcome fear of and barrier in the individual contacts between the participants. Having learned the simplest activities connected with fulfil the basic needs, such as satisfying hunger, skill of sanitary-hygienic self-service, the difficulty threshold of activities to learn will be increased. Having recognized the individual intellectual-manual abilities of individual participants at the existing level, a therapy instructor will introduce more developed tasks, motivating to self-reliance in actions, by preparing more complicated meals, repairing simple damages of one’s own clothing, developing and remembering one’s own sanitary-hygienic habits, tiding up. In individual cases a therapy instructor will aim at teach how to use the means of transport.

5 2. Technical workshop In the technical workshop the participants are getting acquainted with basic tools of the workshop equipment and their safe use. The activities aim at the development of manual skilfulness, recognition abilities, responsibility for a working station. Co-operation in a group will be developed, as well as work proper organization, directed activities in order to complete a task. Within the scope of technical activities, getting acquainted the participants not only with wood materials technology but also with tools and equipment for woodworking is planned. The activities are run in stages, taking into consideration the difficulties of the foreseen tasks.

6 3. Art workshop The art workshop target is to develop recognition functions, increase the manual skills, sight-physical coordination. Shaping the skills to assess differences and similarities of colours, shapes and size. By providing the therapy participant with a chosen information within the scope of art, the instructor will aspire to develop the skill of expressing, by different artistic means, forms, phenomena, feelings and experience. It will be accompanied by recognition of elementary principles of the every-day life aesthetics, as well as accustom the participants for realizing the need of systematic contacts with art.

7 4. Pedagogic workshop The Workshop participants might have problems within the intellectual area, disturbed by maturing rate and difficulties with communicating. Within the activities in a supplementary workshop, they might be under professional care of a psychologist and a speech therapist. The psychologist’s main target is to appropriately diagnose the directions of personality development of the participants within the social, recognition and emotional-feeling areas, at different stages of realization of rehabilitation individual plans.

8 5. Handicraft workshop In this workshop one becomes acquainted with different techniques which are adapted for the individual capabilities and skills of the participants. People taking part in those classes develop their manual skills, e.g. embroidery and sewing, needle-craft, knitting, usage and maintenance of sewing machines. Moreover, during the classes the participants learn not only how to care for the materials and surroundings, but also to respect the basic rules.

9 5. Handicraft workshop They also participate in exhibitions and markets where their works often are bought. In addition, they help with preparing the Christmas decorations and decoration in general. Work in the handicraft workshop stimulates concentration and develops technically and practically what can be observed during the further work of the occupational therapy workshops.

10 6. Rehabilitation workshop
Physical rehabilitation in the fundamental way affects the body fitness. By physical exercises the efficiency of organism functions is increased, as it is for personal resourcefulness, ability to fight the difficulties, belief in one-self. The workshop activities cover, among others; general development and improvement exercises at ladders and on mattresses, elements of corrective physical exercises, weight training for separate parts of muscles (with the use of atlas), training in separate sport disciplines: among others table tennis, basket ball,football, elements of light athletics. In the workshop program, special attention is paid to rational dosing of the effort of rehabilitated people, connecting the exercises with correct breathing, correct position of the exercises, shaping the proper posture, relaxation-unwound elements will be introduced.

11 Association for the Disabled „Joy of life”
Rehabilitation is carried out on the basis of individual rehabilitation programs worked out by the program council. The programs are assessed and modified each 6 months. Besides typical improving and professional rehabilitation activities, we organise sport and cultural events, site-seeing trips, theatre performances.

12 Association for the Disabled „Joy of life”
There is a Special Olympics section in the occupational therapy workshops. Our participants take part in local, regional and national competitions. We also organize sports events and invite other similar workshops.. At least once a year there is a trip. For a few days we sightsee our homeland and the neighbouring countries  

13 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
Obesity is one of the most common health problems in today’s society. Only recently has research begun to focus on the identification and treatment of obese children and adolescents in order to prevent this condition from becoming a lifelong health hazard.

14 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
Changing eating habits and lack of exercise, combined with existing predisposition to obesity among children with mental retardation resulting metabolic disorders, including dangerous and difficult to combat obesity. People with intellectual disabilities are more often exposed to various types of health disorders as compared with non-disabled. One of these problems is the high incidence of obesity among people with mental retardation.

15 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
To date, few studies have been conducted investigating obesity among retarded adults. The purpose of this study was to gather preliminary data regarding the incident rate of obesity among mentally retarded adults between 18 and 48 years of age. A total sample size of 35 subjects (22 males, 13 females) was obtained, representing 100% of the our center. The subjects were divided by sex.

16 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an index of a person's weight in relation to height, not body composition. BMI values apply to both men and women, regardless of their age, frame size, or muscle mass. Use this information, along with other health indices, to assess your need to change your weight. A BMI of 25 or more indicates overweight, obesity is equal to or greater than BMI 30. People who are overweight or obese have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.

17 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
Body Mass Index BMI < 18,5 – under weight 18,5< BMI < 25 – normal 25 < BMI < 30 – over weight 30 < BMI < 40 – obese 40 < BMI – morbidly obese

18 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
Women - 13 Nr Normal Over weight Obese Morbidly obese 1. 21,9 26,6 30,9 2. 24,9 29,7 31,5 3. 20,8 29,0 33,3 4. 28,7 31,2 5. 28,3 37,1 % 23,1 % 38,5% 38,4 % 0%

19 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities

20 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
Men – 22 Nr Normal Over weight Obese Morbidly obese 1. 18,5 25,2 30,1 43,0 2. 22,2 25,4 30,7 42,4 3. 24,3 33,2 4. 22,7 27,2 30,3 5. 22,9 36,9 6. 21,1 7. 8. 22,5 9. 20,7 10. 20,8 11. 23,8 % 49,5 % 18 % 22,5 % 9 %

21 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities

22 Obesity among people with intellectual disabilities
This study has strong implications for professionals teaching physical education to mentally retarded youngsters, as programs must be carefully designed to increase the physical activity patterns of this population.

23 Thank you for your kind attention


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