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Ms. Cuarta’s History Classes

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1 Ms. Cuarta’s History Classes
What is Federalism? Ms. Cuarta’s History Classes

2 Federalism Separating & sharing power between national and state governments. Some powers are shared. Concurrent Powers Some powers only the states have. Reserved Powers Some powers only the national (or federal) government have. Delegated Powers

3 Concurrent or Shared Powers
Taxation. Taking private property for public purposes (Eminent Domain). Pass laws. Establish courts.

4 Powers Reserved to the States
Licensing: Marriages, Drivers, Doctors, Lawyers. Regulating intrastate commerce. Education. Elections. Building roads and other internal improvements.

5 Powers Delegated to the Federal Government
Declaring war. Regulating Interstate Commerce. Copyrights & Patents. Coining money. Negotiating Treaties.

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