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Motorized Wheelchair Mount

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Presentation on theme: "Motorized Wheelchair Mount"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motorized Wheelchair Mount
Client: Andrea E. Johnson, CASC OTR/IT Advisor: Thomas Yen, Ph.D. Team Tyler Lark - Team Leader Nick Harrison - BWIG Dustin Gardner - BSAC Richard Bamberg - Communications

2 Outline Background Problem Statement Design Constraints Design Ideas
Design Matrix Future Work

3 Background Information
Cerebral Palsy VANGUARD PLUS® Speech generation device Increases independence Temporary mount is unsatisfactory No current commercial devices

4 Problem Statement Cannot drive with current mount
VANGUARD® blocks vision Motorized mounting system Must not impair vision Stows safely Accessible while in transit

5 Design Specifications
Motorized – minimal client input Vanguard accessible in transit Stored safely and within chair perimeter Powered from wheelchair or independently No interference with current functions Budget: $1000

6 Design 1 - Shoulder Mounts to seat or armrest
Stored behind left shoulder Moves forward for operation

7 Design 1 – Shoulder Pros Cons Stored out of sight
Mechanically feasible Cons Likely to get hit No quick access Mounting difficulty Disliked by end-user

8 Design 2 - Side Stores under armrest Slides outwards
Unfolds into position Mounts on base

9 Design 2 - Side Pros Compact storage No vision hindrance Cons
Extends chair perimeter Damage prone No transit accessibility Mechanically complex

10 Design 3 - Lap Stows in lap Mounts on base Swings over joystick

11 Design 3 - Lap Pros Cons Accessible in transport
Operational while stowed Stows safely Mechanically feasible Impedes desk use Hinders exiting chair

12 Design Matrix Accessibility in Transit (30pts) Stowage Position (25pts) Feasibility Deliverability (10pts) Cost Total (100pts) Behind Shoulder Position 10 18 15 7 8 58 Under Armrest Position 22 5 6 51 Lap Position 28 20 9 87

13 Final stowage position:
Future Work Final stowage position: Tucked into lap (screen up) Proposed Design Mechanism: Screen rotates 55-degrees 3 rotary cuffs, 1 linear actuator Concerted stowing motions (elliptical, pan/tilt)

14 Usability Testing Tests to run for designed mechanism:
Stress and strain testing (Reliability) Load testing (Optimize torque) Motion testing (Stowage effectiveness) Electronics testing (Automation/Power source)

15 Questions??

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