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The Unix Environment for Programming (Comp433)

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Presentation on theme: "The Unix Environment for Programming (Comp433)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Unix Environment for Programming (Comp433)
12:00-12:50 Sun/Tues Room Number: 4-19 Solane Duque

2 Introduction Developed as a Research Project at the AT&T Bell Labs in 1969 Characteristics of Unix Portable Multi-user Multi-tasking

3 About the Shell You interact with unix through a special program called the shell The shell prompt will hand over the program to the operating system after you typed in.

4 About UNIX Commands Commands come in two parts: Command Arguments
Example: ls –l myfile

5 UNIX Flavors Bourne Shell (sh) C shell (sch) Others Ksh Bash tsch

6 Login and Logout Login to start the session using your
Username Password Logout to end your session

7 Password Dont’s Don’t use your login name, real name, nickname, dog’s name, or any name; Don’t use a word that appears in dictionary; Don’t use easily guessed combinations of characters; Don’t write your password down.

8 Password Do’s Make your password at least 6 characters;
Include at least one number or punctuation, and at least 2 letters; Use both upper and lower case letters; Choose a password you can remember without writing it down.

9 Password Example Four of five dentists recommend Trident 4oo5drT

10 Thank You Any questions?

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