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Classification Slides by Greg Grudic, CSCI 3202 Fall 2007

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Slides by Greg Grudic, CSCI 3202 Fall 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Slides by Greg Grudic, CSCI 3202 Fall 2007
Modified by Longin Jan Latecki Greg Grudic Intro AI

2 Why Classification? Uncertainty world Signals Sensing Actions
Computation Not typically addressed in CS State Symbols (The Grounding Problem) Decisions/Planning Agent Greg Grudic Introduction to AI

3 Identifying (and Navigating) Paths
Non-path Data Data Construct a Classifier Classifier Data Path labeled Image 12/5/2018 Intro AI

4 This Class: Classification Models
Collect Training data Construct Model: happy = F(feature space) Make a prediction High Dimensional Feature (input) Space Greg Grudic Intro AI

5 Goal of Classification
Give Training Data GOAL: Construct a model Model Property: Minimum error rate on future (unseen) data: Greg Grudic Intro AI

6 Measuring Model Accuracy: Classification
Assume a set of data Classification accuracy Where Greg Grudic Intro AI

7 Binary Classification
A binary classifier is a mapping from a set of d inputs to a single output which can take on one of TWO values (e.g. path/no path) In the most general setting Specifying the output classes as -1 and +1 is arbitrary! Often done as a mathematical convenience Greg Grudic Intro AI

8 A Binary Classifier Given learning data: A model is constructed:
Classification Model Not in learning set! Greg Grudic Intro AI

9 Classification Learning Data…
Example 1 1 Example 2 0.4235 -1 Example 3 0.8913 Example 4 Greg Grudic Intro AI

10 The Learning Data Matrix Representation of N learning examples of d dimensional inputs Greg Grudic Intro AI

11 Graphical Representation of 2D Classification Training Data
Greg Grudic Intro AI

12 Linear Separating Hyper-Planes: Discriminative Classifiers
How many lines can separate these points? NO! Greg Grudic Intro AI

13 Greg Grudic Intro AI

14 Greg Grudic Intro AI

15 Greg Grudic Intro AI

16 Greg Grudic Intro AI

17 Is this Data Linearly Separable?
NO! Greg Grudic Intro AI

18 Is this Data Linearly Separable?
YES! Greg Grudic Intro AI

19 Is this Data Linearly Separable?
NO! Greg Grudic Intro AI

20 Is this Data Linearly Separable?
YES! Greg Grudic Intro AI

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