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Presentation on theme: "LA PORTE JR. HIGH ATHLETICS"— Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the parent meeting

2 Physical Papers Athletic Code of Conduct Acknowledgement of Rules
Physical Evaluation Student Insurance and Activity Fee Parent and Steroid Agreement Concussion Sheet

3 Student Insurance and Activity Fee
General Description- Students in grades 7-12 who will be participating in athletics, cheer, marching band, drill team, and ROTC must pay a $30 activity participation fee. The fee will be assessed only once regardless of the number of activities in which the student participates. Families/household with multiple students participating will pay no more than $60 even if more than two students participate.

4 UIL Parent Information Manual
Can be found at

5 Parent and Coaches Relationship Very Important!!!!

Both parenting and coaching are very difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding between coaches and parents, both are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a more positive experience for everyone. Parents have the right to know, and understand, the expectations placed on them and their children. Coaches have the right to know that if parents have a concern, they will discuss it with the coach at the appropriate time and place.

7 Communication parents should expect from their child’s coach:
1) Coach’s philosophy. 2) Expectations the coach has for your son or daughter, as well as other players on the team. 3) Locations and times of practices and contests. 4) Team requirements, i.e., fees, special equipment needed, school & team rules, off-season expectations. 5) Procedures that will be followed if your child becomes injured during participation.

8 Communication coaches expect from parents:
1) Concerns regarding their son or daughter expressed directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place. 2) Specific concerns in regard to the coach’s philosophy and/or expectations. 3) Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance. 4) As your child becomes involved in interscholastic athletics, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand there may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. These are the times discussion with the coach is encouraged.

9 Appropriate concerns to discuss with a coach:
1) The mental and physical treatment of your child. 2) What your child needs to do to improve. 3) Concerns about your child’s behavior. It is very difficult to accept your child is not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches make decisions based on what they believe is in the best interests of all students participating. As you can see from the list above, certain things can and should be discussed with your child’s coach.

10 Issues NOT appropriate for discussion with your child’s coach:
1) How much playing time each athlete is getting. 2) Team strategy. 3) Play calling. 4) Any situation that deals with other student-athletes.

11 If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the following procedure should be followed:
1) Call the coach to set up an appointment. 2) If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic director and ask him or her to set up a meeting with the coach for you. 3) Think about what you expect to accomplish as a result of the meeting. 4) Stick to discussing the facts, as you understand them. 5) Do not confront the coach before, during or after a practice or contest. These can be emotional times for both the parent and coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution of the situation, but often escalate it.

12 Can be found at
Athletic Guidelines Can be found at

13 Junior High Athletic Guidelines
An individual may participate in UIL competition or contest as a representative of a school if he (a) is a seventh grade student less than 14 years old on Sept. 1st (b) is an eight grade student less than 15 years old on Sept. 1st. All athletes must have a physical turned in on file before they can participate off-season or regular season. All students must be passing all subjects to participate in extra-curricular activities (below 70 is failing). Ineligibility will follow the UIL guidelines.

14 Junior High Athletic Guidelines (Cont.)
4. All athletes participating in school related activities shall maintain a high standard of behavior whenever they are representing the school. Disregard to these regulations will result in disciplinary measures. Any behavior which warrants being sent to the discipline office will be reviewed by the principal and coach. 5. An athlete in possession or under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, or controlled substances will be subject to disciplinary actions as stated in the student handbook.

15 Junior High Athletic Guidelines (Cont.)
6. All team members are expected to be on time to all meetings, practices and games. If an emergency occurs, the athlete or their parents should notify a coach. Please do not send word with another student. 7. An athlete must attend school at least half a day in order to practice or play in a game, unless approved by the principal. 8. Team members are expected to attend school the day following a contest with the exception of illness or unless prior arrangements have been made. Attendance will be closely monitored.

16 Junior High Athletic Guidelines (Cont.)
9. B team members are expected to remain at the A team game unless prior arrangements have been made with the coach. 10. Athletes will be expected to provide their own transportation to and from practices and after athletic events. 11. On away trips, all players will travel with the team. 12. Persons not employed or enrolled in the school system may not travel with the team. 13. All athletes will return with the team unless a parent personally requests supervision of their own child, and it is requested that this be done only in emergency situations.

17 Junior High Athletic Guidelines (Cont.)
14. No athlete may leave the team under supervision of anyone other than their parent. 15. All athletes will abide by locker room rules or loose the privilege of using it. 16. Missing two practices before a game will result in the athlete not participating in the game. There will be exceptions for tutorial, sectionals, and illnesses with coaches’ prior knowledge. 17. If an athlete is unable to participate because of injury, he will need a doctors note after 3 consecutive days. Please have the doctor state how long the athlete will be out and any restrictions.

18 Junior High Athletic Guidelines (Cont.)
18. There will be no gum chewing for safety reasons. 19. Equipment is issued by number. Athletes should wear only athletic equipment issued to them. 20. Jewelry (earrings) is not to be worn in athletic periods, practice or games. 21. Uniforms are laundered by the school system and returned clean every day. They are not to be taken home unless permission is given. 22. An athlete is responsible for replacing at their own expense any equipment they do not return or is returned damaged at the end of the season.

19 Can be found at
Safety Training Can be found at

20 What is Sudden Cardiac Death?
Sudden cardiac death is an abrupt occurrence where the heart ceases to function and results in death within minutes. It is not a heart attack. Sudden cardiac death in athletes is usually caused by a previously unsuspected heart disease or disorder.

21 Warning Signs of Sudden Cardiac Death
Palpitations - feeling fast or skipped heart beats. Dizziness - feeling lightheaded. Chest pain or chest tightness with exercise. Shortness of breath. Family history of sudden cardiac death at less than age 50.

22 Head and Neck Injuries Reducing Head and Neck Injuries
1. Preseason physical exams for all participants. Identify during the physical exam those athletes with a history of previous head or neck injuries. If the physician has any questions about the athlete's readiness to participate, the athlete should not be allowed to play. 2. Rules changes that eliminated the head as the initial contact point in blocking and tackling have significantly reduced head and neck injuries in the sport.

23 Signs and Symptoms of Mild Head Injury
Headache Nausea Balance problems or dizziness Double or fuzzy vision Sensitivity to light or noise Feeling slowed down Feeling "foggy" or "not sharp" Change in sleep pattern Concentration or memory problems Irritability Sadness Feeling more emotional

24 Heat Stress Heat Stroke - This is a medical emergency. Immediately cool body while waiting for transfer to a hospital. Remove clothing and place ice bags on the neck, in the armpit, and on the groin area. Heat Exhaustion - OBTAIN MEDICAL CARE AT ONCE. Cool body as you would for heat stroke while waiting for transfer to hospital. Give fluids if athlete is able to swallow and is conscious. Summary - The main problem associated with exercising in the hot weather is water loss through sweating. Water loss is best replaced by allowing the athlete unrestricted access to water.

25 Recommendations for Hydration
HYDRATION TIPS AND FLUID GUIDELINES * Drink before, during and after practices and games. * Drink 7-10 ounces of water or sport drink 10 to 20 minutes before exercise. * Drink early - By the time you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. * In general, every minutes drink at least 7-10 ounces of water or sports drink to maintain hydration, and remember to drink beyond your thirst.

26 Asthma and Exercise Coaches, athletic trainers and other health care professionals should: * Be aware of the major signs and symptoms of asthma, such as coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath and breathing difficulty at night, upon awakening in the morning or when exposed to certain allergens or irritants. * Encourage well-controlled asthmatics to engage in exercise to strengthen muscles, improve respiratory health and enhance endurance and overall well being.

27 Illegal Steroid Use and Random Anabolic Steroid Testing
Texas state law prohibits possessing, dispensing, delivering or administering a steroid in a manner not allowed by state law. Any violation of state law concerning steroids is a criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail or imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

28 Recommendations for Lightning Safety
Establish a chain of command that identifies who is to make the call to remove individuals from the field. Have a means of monitoring local weather forecasts and warnings. Designate a safe shelter. Once activities have been suspended, wait at least thirty minutes following the last sound of thunder or lightning flash prior to resuming an activity or returning outdoors.

29 Communicable Disease Procedures
Universal Hygiene Protocol for All Sports: * Shower immediately after all competition and practice * Wash all workout clothing after practice * Wash personal gear, such as kneepads, periodically * Don't share towels or personal hygiene products with others

30 Sources American College of Cardiology
California Interscholastic Federation National Athletic Trainers Association National Federation of State High School Associations National Institute on Drug Abuse Syracuse University Texas Education Agency University Interscholastic League

31 Fundraising--VERY IMPORTANT
Starting today!!! Purchase your BULLPUP spirit shirt and wear it to all of our games and events. We will be having a fund raiser in the spring. More information will be given out as we get closer to that time. This is very important for every athlete to get involved. The money raised is turned around and used for athletic equipment for the athletes.

32 Trainer Information If your child gets hurt, the first people they will need to see is the athletic trainer at the high school. (Thad Nations) The ATR hours: Morning treatments 6:30-7:10am Afternoon treatments 2:30-4:30pm If your child goes to the doctor we must have a medical note when they return!!!!!

33 Conference If at any time during the season you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact your child’s coach to address them. Do not do this during practice or game time because that is vital time that we need to be spending on the field. Please call to set up a convenient for the both of you.


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