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Warm Up Which 3 tribes relied heavily on buffalo?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Which 3 tribes relied heavily on buffalo?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Which 3 tribes relied heavily on buffalo?
Which tribe is the oldest tribe to still be living in Texas today? Why do you think it was beneficial for the Jumano to act as middlemen?

2 Mostly Spanish (and some French) Exploration of Texas
The Age of Contact Mostly Spanish (and some French) Exploration of Texas

3 Reasons for Exploring the New World

4 Explorers of New Spain (Texas)

5 Spanish Conquest Spain wanted to expand their empire by controlling the Americas Wanted riches of the land Expeditions were led by conquistadors – soldiers and adventurers in search of glory, gold and land Conquistadors wore suits of armor and steel helmets. They would often use Native Americans as guides

6 Visual Discovery

7 Explorer: Christopher Columbus (1492)
Known for West Indies/New World Why in Texas? He wasn’t!!! Impact of Failure – he didn’t discover a faster Expedition route to India Success – he opened up the “New World” to Europe Impact Started Spanish exploration in North America (Texas)

8 In 1492, Christopher Columbus left Spain after being given permission to sail to India from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. His purpose was to find a new trade route to India and to bring back spices from India. Spices were as valuable as gold. On his way across the Atlantic Ocean, Columbus sailed to a new land and met new people which he called “Indians” thinking he had landed in India. Because of Columbus, a new age of exploration of North America began.

9 Explorer: Hernan Cortez (1521)
Year He Conquered the Aztecs Known for Mexico/Aztecs Why in Texas? He wasn’t!!! BUT his purpose for exploring was to get GOLD and GLORY for Spain Impact of Success - conquered the Aztecs and became Expedition the first “governor” of New Spain (Mexico) Impact Inspired others to explore more territory in North America

10 The two explorers that we just talked about were NEVER IN TEXAS!!!!
Columbus Cortes The two explorers that we just talked about were NEVER IN TEXAS!!!! Pineda De Vaca Coronado Moscoso Onate La Salle All of the rest of the explorers WERE in Texas at some point!!!

11 Explorer: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (1527-1536)
Known for SHIPWRECK Why in Texas? Oops… it was an accident… shipwrecked Impact of Failure – no GOLD, no GLORY… but he did… Expedition meet the Karwankawas, Texas’ 1st explorer, 1st surgeon, 1st author with Relacion Impact on Texas Told tales of cities of gold – led to more exploration

12 One of the most amazing journeys took place in Texas
One of the most amazing journeys took place in Texas. In 1527, Cabeza de Vaca crashed on Galveston Island because of a hurricane. There he met the Karankawas, who helped the Spanish build fires and brought them food to eat (fish and roots). He traveled with the Karankawas as a healer.

13 Explorer: Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda (1519)
Known for MAP Why in Texas? The governor of Jamaica ordered Pineda to explore this new area in order to find a route to the Pacific Impact of Success (he mapped the coast) Expedition Failure (no route to the Pacific) Impact on Texas 1st to observe and map the Texas Coast

14 The year 1519 was very important for Alonso Alvarez de Piñeda and for Texas. Piñeda sailed along the Texas coast toward Mexico. During his journey, he created the first maps and charts of the coast. Because of Piñeda, future explorers knew where to sail to get to Texas.

15 Explorer: Francisco Vásquez de Coronado (1540-1542)
Years he explored the Great Plains Known for PANHANDLE Why in Texas? Looking for the 7 cities of GOLD Impact of Failure – No gold, no settlements Expedition crossed the “Sea of Grass” (TX Panhandle) Impact on Texas Told about buffalo, villages, TX LAND in the Panhandle

16 Gold! In 1540, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado was placed in charge of a great search to find the City of Gold. With 1,000 men, 1,500 horses, mules, wagons, cooks and farm animals, Coronado and his group headed north. When Coronado thought he found the City of Gold, it was only mud bricks reflecting the sun, making it look bright and shiny. The city was really a Wichita village. Coronado did not give up. He kept searching and found more villages and people as he went. Coronado claimed the entire Wichita country for Spain.

17 Explorer: Luis de Moscoso Alvarado (1542-1543)
Years he was in charge of the expedition Known for EAST TX Why in Texas? Looking for gold; took over expedition when leader died Impact of Failure – no gold Expedition Impact on 1st European in East TX Texas Explorer: Luis de Moscoso Alvarado ( ) Hernan de Soto

18 Explorer: Don Juan de Onate (1598)
~ Year he was exploring the El Paso area Known for El Paso Why in Texas? Looking for gold that Coronado had failed to find Impact of Failure – no gold Expedition Impact on Explored the El Paso Texas area and gave it the name “El Paso”

19 Explorer: Robert La Salle (1685-1687)
Years Fort St. Louis was in Texas Known for 1st French explorer in Texas Why in Texas? He was LOST!! Looking for the Mississippi River Impact of Fort St. Louis (settlement) – claimed TX for the Expedition French for two years Impact on Made the Spanish paranoid – the Spanish got Texas more serious about settling TX and not just exploring it

20 France wanted to claim the area around the Mississippi river before the Spanish got there. So in 1684, the French King, Louis XIV, gave LaSalle ships and colonists to set sail. After a scary journey, LaSalle’s group missed the Mississippi river and actually landed near Matagorda Bay, Texas. LaSalle set up Fort St. Louis in Because of LaSalle’s new French settlement, Spain hurried to build more missions throughout the area, hoping to push France off the land. LaSalle’s group lived in their settlement for many years. In 1688, the Karankawas attacked the group and massacred most of the people.


22 Create a Timeline Using your notes, create a timeline of the events that took place during European exploration of Texas. Must include all 8 explorers and important fact about each.

23 Warm Up Who drew the first map of the Texas coast?
What was Christopher Columbus’ original purpose for sailing west?

24 Think, Pair, Share With your partner only, discuss one possible effect that Spanish exploration had on Native Texans and one possible effect exploration had on the European countries.

25 Causes and Effects of Exploration in Texas
Exploring Texas in search of Glory and Gold Columbus discovery 1492 Effects it had on Europe: Est. claim to Texas (more land, more power) Colombian change: gained new plants and animals from America’s Gained a buffer zone between Spanish settlement and American Indian/Europeans to North Conflict with the Native Indians Effects it had on Native Americans: Columbia Exchange: gained new plants and animals from Europe Mustangs: Rise of Plains Indian horse culture Epidemics—widespread outbreaks of disease, many Indian deaths Conflict with the Spanish

26 Use your map and do the following:
Choose a color for the three European countries and color the key Label: Texas, New Spain, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, New France, Louisiana, 13 Colonies, Hudson’s Bay Company, Cuba Color the map according to who owned which part of the New World 1. Look closely at the islands east and south of Cuba, what do you notice?

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