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2017 CAASPP Administration RCOE/RCAN Presentation

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1 2017 CAASPP Administration RCOE/RCAN Presentation
Students | Teachers | Instructional Content

2 Objective Before Testing During Testing After Testing
To share district best practices regarding CAASPPP administration protocols and procedures Before Testing During Testing After Testing 2

3 Before Testing

4 Considerations Before Testing
Meetings and Trainings/Workshops School Testing Schedules Materials Preparation

5 Meetings and Training/Workshops
Director of EL regarding English Learners, designated supports, and training for sites Director of Special Education regarding NPS, 504, Home and Hospital, CAA training Director of IT weekly Site administration and test Site Coordinators

6 Meeting with Information Technology
Collaborative effort to ensure successful implementation of CAASPP Meeting includes staff members from both departments, IT and Assessment Meeting addresses communication plan, deployment plans, problem solving, computer inventory, and site support

7 Meetings and Training/Workshops
New to Testing Student Supports - Technical Support with AERIES, SEIS, and TOMS Overview of CAASPP Administration Practical Practices CAA Administrator and TE Training for ELA/Math/ and Science Pilot Test Security and Filing Appeals Running Participation Reports

8 School Testing Schedules
School Schedules - Samples Foothill Elementary School Wells Middle School Testing Computer Inventory Deployment of Support Staff

9 Site Schedules Sample Elementary schedule

10 Site Schedules Sample middle school schedule

11 Testing Computer Inventory
Each site submits their testing computer inventory to ensure the computers listed are ready for testing as well as testing locations Lists are shared with the IT department

12 Materials Preparation
CAASPP Binder CAASPP Action Plan Test Settings

13 Training Materials and Resources CAASPP Binders
Include the following: CAASPP Assessments chart Test Administration Manual (TAM) Directions for Administration (DFA) UDA Guidelines Matrix 1 and Graphics TOMS User Roles Action Plan and Testing Schedules Site Professional Development CAASPP Workshops Signage Pink Post-Its Indicate where document(s) can be found in your CAASPP binder Post it on a slide indicates it can be found in the binder

14 CAASPP Action Plan Provide sites an action plan
Checklist of items to be complete before, during, and after testing.

15 Test Settings Preparation for 2016 CAASPP administration requires coordination Example: Data systems for Test Settings Test settings are set in existing systems to reduce data entry and reduce data errors Teachers enter information into AERIES and SEIS Extracts occur daily and uploaded into TOMS

16 How and When Test Settings Get to TOMS
Student Test Settings are entered into SEIS or AERIES The Assessment Office Uploads the AERIES and SEIS Extracts into TOMS daily Accessibility Supports become available to students in the TA interface The Assessment Office extracts Student Test Settings from AERIES and SEIS daily SEIS 2.0 still speaks the same language as TOMS Student Accessibility Supports take up to 48 hours to be available to students after being loaded into TOMS UDA Flow Chart

17 What structure and processes do you have in your district?
Choose one of the following and share a best practice from your district…. Meetings and Trainings/Workshops School Testing Schedules Materials Preparation

18 During Testing

19 Considerations During Testing
Deployment of Support Staff Site Visits – Monitoring STAIRS /Appeals

20 Deployment of Support Staff
Assessment and IT support at each site for the first few days

21 Site Visits - Monitoring

22 STAIRS /Appeals Training and Supporting Staff with STAIRS Process
Minimize Appeals Strategies

23 What structure and processes do you have in your district?
Choose one of the following and share a best practice from your district…. Deployment of Support Staff Site Visits – Monitoring STAIRS /Appeals

24 After Testing

25 Considerations After Testing
Running Reports – Participation and Results! Student, Teacher, and Parent Survey and Focus Groups Reflection and Analysis of Procedures for Improvement

26 What structure and processes do you have in your district?
Choose one of the following and share a best practice from your district…. Running Reports – Participation and Results! Student, Teacher, and Parent Survey/Focus Groups Reflection and Analysis of Procedures for Improvement

27 Gina Simpson
Thank you! Gina Simpson

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