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What is a Myth? Mrs. Wright.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Myth? Mrs. Wright."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Myth? Mrs. Wright

2 Definition of Myth Myth:
An anonymous, traditional story that explains a belief, custom, or mysterious natural phenomenon. The word myth comes from the Greek word muthos Means “story”

3 Why Myths? Myths had specific purposes in their cultures. Myths were created out of a human need to make sense of the universe and explain how the world and its human inhabitants came to be. In every culture, however, there were 7 main functions of myths

4 Functions 1 To explain the creation of the world and universe

5 Function 2 To explain the human condition:
How and why people were created Why they are flawed Why there is suffering in the world Why people must eventually die What happens to people after death

6 Functions 3 To explain natural phenomena, such as the setting of the sun and the phases of the moon

7 Function 4 To explain the nature of gods and goddesses and how these deities and human beings interact

8 Functions 5 To explain the meanings behind religious rituals, customs, and beliefs

9 Function 6 To explain historical events

10 Function 7 To teach moral lessons

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