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Observational Cosmology: 6. Galaxy Number Counts

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1 Observational Cosmology: 6. Galaxy Number Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 Observational Cosmology: 6. Galaxy Number Counts “It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts.”   —  Sherlock Holmes.

2 6.1: Why Study Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.1: Why Study Source Counts Why Study Source Counts - How many galaxies are there in the Universe ? Why Study Galaxy Source Counts ? To count the numbers of galaxies in the Universe Numbers of galaxies Density of galaxies and the Universe Fainter and fainter galaxies at higher and higher redshift To determine the Geometry of the Universe Faint source counts depend on the geometry of the Universe low density / cosmological constant  faster expansion  larger volumes  more galaxies To investigate the contribution of different galaxy populations to the Universe investigate optical mix of morphological types local infrared - spirals bright radio - ellipticals X-rays - AGN To investigate the evolution of galaxies Compare galaxies today with galaxies in the past Quantify and constrain the evolution in the galaxy populations Discriminate the nature of the evolution

3 6.1: Why Study Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.1: Why Study Source Counts Why Study Source Counts - The Geometry of the Universe Measuring Numbers of Galaxies to faint fluxes Cosmological Parameters qo or Wo R t Milne (open) W=0 Friedmann-Lemaitre (open) W<1 (closed) W>1 Einstein de-Sitter (closed) W=1 Sandage 1961, ApJ, 133, 355 ~mJy L=0, W=2q Unfortunately, Universe not that simple  Galaxy Evolution

4 6.1: Why Study Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.1: Why Study Source Counts Why Study Source Counts - Population Contributions HDF (ISO 15mm) GALEX M51 Mk241 (VSOP) 3C216 (VSOP 5GHz) microwave Sub-mm 赤外 visible UV X-線 g-線 電波 波長 1km-1m 1mm-200mm 1cm 200mm-2mm 1nm 100nm nm 0.1A  電波波長 : AGN / Ellipticals  Sub-mm : ULIG (Elliptical?)  赤外波長 : Spiral 銀河  Optical : 色々な銀河  X線波長 : AGN (QSO)  g線 : AGN 100,000th Hubble 90億光年QSO HDF (SCUBA 850mm) HDF

5 6.1: Why Study Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.1: Why Study Source Counts Why Study Source Counts - Evolution LUMINOSITY EVOLUTION (Galaxies in the past were brighter than today) REDSHIFT DENSITY EVOLUTION (Galaxies in the past were more numerous than today)

6 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Simple Euclidean Case How many galaxies are there in the Universe For flat, non expanding Universe filled with uniformly distributed galaxies of same luminosity (A Euclidean Universe) Galaxy number density = n Galaxy luminosity = L Number of galaxies to distance ( d ) = N Flux ; Number ; d L S Nearby Galaxies generally follow this distribution More complex when we look to greater distances We have to consider the cosmology & galaxy evolution Have to consider a range of galaxy types and luminosities

7 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Derivation of Source Counts LUMINOSITY FUNCTION GALAXY EVOLUTION COSMOLOGY (Ho, Wo, L) K-CORRECTION (Galaxy SED) SOURCE COUNT MODEL 累積銀河計数 Integral Galaxy Source Counts 背景放射 Background Contribution 微分銀河計数 Differential Source Counts 銀河の赤方偏移分布 N-z Distribution

8 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Cosmology Number of galaxies, N (seen to sensitivity, S) = number density galaxies x volume (for all luminosities) Galaxy number density (all luminosities) - Luminosity Function Volume depends on cosmology (Ho, Wo, L) Wo = 0, 1 easiest The farthest galaxies you can see depends on the sensitivity The Distance also depends on the cosmology (Ho, Wo, L) Wo = 0, 1 are the easiest.

9 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Luminosity Function LUMINOSITY FUNCTION Galaxy number density as a function of their luminosity Depends on 4(+) parameters f* a a - Faint end slope L* - Characteristic luminosity f* - Number density normalization s - Gaussian width L* L<L*(power law) L>L*(exponential) s

10 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Luminosity Function Power Law + Exponential (Schecter 1976) Log Gaussian (Saunders 1990) Power Law (Lawrence 1986)

11 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Calculation of Luminosity Function (1/Vmax method) In 2-D In 3-D (where 1 = probability of object being in sample) For volume limited, non evolving sample; Co-moving number density of objects is Suppose sample is incomplete (e.g. flux limited)  Some objects may drop out of the sample. Probability of the ith object being included is Pi and the are no objects with Pi=0. Then the co-moving number density in an OBSERVED sample of Nobs objects is; Pi = probability of object staying in sample such that if the probability of dropping out is 1/2 then we require 2x the weight This will be an unbiased estimator of the underlying value Therefore, for a flux limited sample; Assuming the population is non-evolving and the flux is monotomic function of z, The probability Pi is given by Vmax,I = volume enclosed at maximum redshift zmax,i at which the ith object can be observed. Vlimit = arbitrary large volume into which the flux limited sample is embedded

12 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Calculation of Luminosity Function (Maximum Likelihood method)

13 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation K-Correction Want compare luminosities at the same wavelengths  K-Correction Due to redshift effect s, the true galaxy SED and that seen from Earth are different Need to know about emission from sources at one single wavelength but we have ensemble le = lo/ (1+z) Need a CORRECTION  This correction is called the K-CORRECTION The significance of the correction depends on the shape of the galaxy SED Observed flux at observed frequency, no, (c=nl) Corresponding to the luminosity at ne Flux at no related to Luminosity at no by K-CORRECTION - K-CORRECTION z True SED Observed SED The K-Correction depends on the assumed Spectral Energy Distribution (SED)

14 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Evolution LUMINOSITY EVOLUTION Galaxies in the past were more luminous DENSITY EVOLUTION Galaxies in the past were more numerous Parameterize luminosity evolution ~ f(z) Parameterize density evolution ~ g(z) Evolution: increases z(L,S)

15 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation Evolution Luminosity Evolution : Density Evolution : L* f(z) L* f* g(z) f * Integral Counts (60mm) Luminosityの進化 Densityの進化 f* L* Differential Counts (60mm)

16 6.2: Source Counts Derivation
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.2: Source Counts Derivation V/Vmax Test for Evolution V(z) z Vmax(zmax) zmax For a galaxy with luminosity, L, in a redshift survey there is a maximum volume within which the object can be detected, Vmax(zmax) Compare with volume in which galaxy was actually detected: V(z), 0 < V(z) < Vmax If there was no change in co-moving number density probability of galaxy detected in volume V, is dP = probability in range V -V+dV independent of V  V/Vmax uniformly distributed between  <V/Vmax> = 0.5  <V/Vmax> significantly deviates from 0.5  evolution galaxies more “numerous” in past galaxies less “numerous” in past Real Surveys

17 6.3: Source Counts Results
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.3: Source Counts Results Integral and Differential Source Counts Integral Source Counts - Total (cumulative) number of sources detected above flux threshold, S Euclidean Euclidean Differential Source Counts - Number of sources detected at flux threshold, S in range SdS Commonly, Normalize Differential Source Counts to Euclidean Universe

18 6.3: Source Counts Results
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.3: Source Counts Results Number Redshift Distributions

19 6.3: Source Counts Results
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.3: Source Counts Results Back Ground Contributions and Confusion

20 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Optical Source Counts Faint blue galaxies (relatively low luminosity) were more numerous in the past and may dominate the faint source counts

21 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Optical Morphological Evolution E/S0 Total Sabc Sd/Irr I=22.5 I=23.5 I=24.5 I=25.5 Redshift Distributions as function of morphological type Bright Fluxes - More ellipticals , less Irregular Faint Fluxes - Few Ellipticals, more Irregular The Butcher Oemler Effect Low redshift Clusters have more red galaxies than blue galaxies, Higher redshift Clusters have higher fraction of blue galaxies The morphology Density Relationship Denser regions of clusters have higher proportion of red galaxies than less dense regions

22 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Near-Infrared Source Counts Near-infrared Emission from cool stars Old populations dominate Bright Fluxes E/S0 ~ 50% Tracing Stellar Mass

23 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Far-Infrared Source Counts The Dusty Universe Infrared Emission: UV emission from young hot OB stars Absorbed by dust Reprocessed and emitted at IR wavelength M82, 3.3Mpc Reprocessed

24 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Far-Infrared Source Counts IRAS 60mm Integral Counts Infra Red Astronomy Satellite Launched 1983 All sky survey 12, 25, 60, 100mm IRAS 60mm Differential Counts The importance of DUST. For normal galaxies LIR/Lopt - 30%. For Starburst LIR/Lopt %. ULIG - A new population LIR/Lopt % IR - Strong Evolution - High Star Formation. 50%-60% Star Formation in the Universe is in IR.

25 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Far-Infrared Source Counts ISO 15mmの累積銀河計数 IRAS Evolution !! ISO 15mmの微分銀河計数 IRAS Evolution !! Infrared Space Observatory ISO, 11/1995-5/1998 The ISO Universe Source counts 7-200mm Strong Evolution Dominant LIG/ULIG pop. ISO 90mmの累積銀河計数 IRAS Evolution !! ISO 170mmの累積銀河計数 IRAS Evolution !!

26 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Far-Infrared Source Counts ISO 15mm Integral Counts 2 4 6 8 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 lg (Flux) {Jy} HDF P(D) HDF (PRETTI) HDF Lockman-Deep ELAIS IRAS lg (Number / ster ISO 15mm Differential Counts Infrared Space Observatory ISO, 11/1995-5/1998 The ISO Universe Source counts 7-200mm Strong Evolution Dominant LIG/ULIG pop. BURST Evolution !! ISO 90mm Integral Counts ISO 170mm Integral Counts

27 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Submillimetre Source Counts 850mm 850mm SCUBA JCMT Re-emission from dust of Starlight at sub-mm wavelengths Many line emission from rotational transitions of CO Large negative K-corrections  access high z Universe LBOL  1012Lo SFR> Mo/yr (Arp220 like ULIG sources) ~ 50 detected sources Strong Evolution Assembly of an Elliptical Galaxy in < 1Gyr SCUBA beam ~ 15”  I.D.s difficult  few redshifts Median redshift ~ 2.5

28 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts Radio Source Counts Hopkins et al. 1999 Radio Sources separated into 2 populations Bright radio fluxes (S1.4GHz > ~ mJy)  Radio Loud Ellipticals Black Hole Power Source power law emission S1.4GHz  n-a a ~ 0.3 Faint radio sources (S1.4GHz < ~ mJy)  Star Forming Galaxies (STFG) SNR synchrotron emission  Star Formation Power Source S1.4GHz  n-a a ~ 0.8 Bright radio fluxes - Ellipticals Dominate sub-mJy fluxes - Emergence of new population (Starburst Galaxies) <z>~0.3  higher redshift counterpart of IRAS STFG Follow well known Radio-FIR relation (S60mm ~90 S1.4GHz) Radio fluxes < 35mJy - Spectral slope flattens to a ~ 0.7  STFG dominate over AGN z<1.5 optically red star forming galaxies

29 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.4: Multiwavelength Source Counts X-Ray Source Counts Manners 2003 McHardy et al 1999 Pearson et al 1997 Bright (0.5-2keV) X-ray Fluxes Dominant Population - Quasars S (0.5-2keV) < ergs cm-2 s-1  new faint population of sources NELGs (Starbursts / AGN) Densities ~ /sq.deg.

30 6.5: The Star Formation History
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.5: The Star Formation History Background Light

31 6.6: Future Prospects Spitzer GALLEX ASTRO-F UKIDSS VISTA Herschel
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.6: Future Prospects The Future Spitzer GALLEX ASTRO-F UKIDSS VISTA Herschel SCUBA-2 WISE ALMA JWST SPICA SKA

32 6.7: Summary Summary Study Galaxy source counts to
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.7: Summary Summary Study Galaxy source counts to investigate the contribution of different galaxy populations to the Universe compare the evolution of galaxies today with those in the past constrain Geometry of the Universe Source counts depend on Cosmology Luminosity Function K-Correction Evolution Source counts are a function of observing wavelength Different wavelengths are dominated by different classes of sources To understand the star formation and evolutionary history  multiwavelength analysis Present and next generation surveys Larger areas to greater depths increase statistical samples by orders of magnitudes!

33 終 次: 6.7: Summary Observational Cosmology 6. Galaxy Number Counts
2018/12/5 Chris Pearson : Observational Cosmology 6: Galaxy Number Counts - ISAS -2004 6.7: Summary Summary Observational Cosmology 6. Galaxy Number Counts Observational Cosmology 7. The Evolving Universe 次:

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