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Note-Taking (Minute) Skill

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Presentation on theme: "Note-Taking (Minute) Skill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note-Taking (Minute) Skill
For NASC Monday, 12th Dec 2016 12/5/2018

2 Meeting Management Meeting Planning, Organizing, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling Topic/issues/Agendas Date / Time/Venue Chair/Invitee House keeping rule Note taker/Minute 12/5/2018

3 Note For Minutes of meeting (include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.) Brief record of Something for future reference Class note, Meeting note, Program note, Negotiation note Important, valuable words, facts and figures Decisions, Opposes, Acceptance, speech with personal identity 12/5/2018

4 Note-Taking Points for minutes
Recording information captured from another source Writer records the essence of the information, Human behavior related to information management Acquire, filter, organize, comprehend and write down. 12/5/2018

5 Note taking Note-taking is a race against time. The average rate of speech is 2–3 words per second, but the average handwriting speed as only 0.2–0.3 words per second. Shorthand : large amounts of information to be put on paper very quickly. Historically, written in notebooks, or Post-It notes. In the digital age, computers, tablet PCs and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are common. 12/5/2018

6 Linear Note taking Outlining I. First main topic A. Subtopic 1. Detail
II. Second main topic 12/5/2018

7 Non-linear Note taking
Mapping - ideas are written in structure with lines connecting them together Sentence method - Every new thought is written as a new line. Speed is the most desirable attribute of this method. Guided notes - Sometimes lecturers may provide handouts of guided notes, which provide a "map" of the lecture content with key points or ideas missing. Electronic note-taking methods- The growing ubiquity of laptops has led to a rise in electronic note-taking. 12/5/2018

8 Nepalese Practices Regular staff meeting, Issue based section meeting, Cross sectional issue meeting, Different types of Committee meeting Meetings at local level ( ward citizen forum, users group, Annual days) Meetings after delegation ( in different issues) at CDO Negotiations – different types and levels Conferences and different programs 12/5/2018

9 Nepalese Practices…. Note books, post-it or digital assistants
Note taker Short-hand, sentence method, guided notes, mapping, digital methods etc. Attendance and Instant minutes or later (include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.) Minutes approve by head 12/5/2018

10 Practical Make a group Give a scenario of meeting,
Appoint a note taker Conduct the meeting Review the note/ minute Example : Preparation meeting for World Customs Day Celebration, Himal weekly printing meeting, Preparation meeting of Bilateral Trade facilitation negotiation. 12/5/2018

11 How did you conduct your meeting ? Chair
How did you take your note ? Note taker Overall feelings ? 12/5/2018

12 Thank You for your participation

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