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Model United Nations at Palmetto Sr. High.

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1 Model United Nations at Palmetto Sr. High

2 Strategy The components to being a good delegate: Research Writing
Public Speaking Diplomacy Everyone has unique strengths, but a good delegate finds a balance between all four factors and is seen as a leader in all four categories

3 Research The basis of any strategy in committee should come from a foundation of a well researched delegate. This entails: Know the background and nature of your topics and committee from your country's perspective and in general Know the current events about the topics leading up to the conference, anything until the first committee is fair game Other delegates will stumble upon the same types of solutions, so focus on the details to set you apart

4 Writing A main part of committee session is turning these ideas into a well-written and convincing resolutions Start writing the draft paper and control who gets added as a sponsor, which ideas get put in (only a select amount of “can edit sponsors”) You may be the best resolution writer, but you need support from other delegates find the balance between collaboration and control for your resolutions. Write on your own computer

5 PUBLIC SPEAKING Give speeches with convincing and well-detailed arguments pointing to the specific ideas you are working on avoid fluff Be the face of your resolution to the committee and sell your ideas to garner support Get on the Speaker’s List the first chance you can to get your ideas visible early Invite allies or your region to work together with you. Give specific ideas that you would like to incorporate into your paper and the overarching goal you’re trying to achieve.

6 Diplomacy Know how to work the room, within the first committee session you should have made an impression on the body Direct the discussion and the writing; keep people on task, but make sure people feel they are being heard Be very respectful and diplomatic, it is ok to criticize, but never insult a delegates ideas (they can use a right of reply) Delegate tasks within your resolution to play to the strengths of the individuals in the group All about cultivating productive discussion

7 Setting the agenda The agenda is crucial because the topics take a long time to get through. Be vocal and persuasive about your opinion When debating focus on how important that topic is to ALL countries, and the need to prioritize the resolution of that problem If you absolutely don’t want to see a topic discussed, talk about how the committee has already discussed it and was unable to reach a consensus, how it’s outside the purview of this committee, or how the other topics are more pressing.

8 Voting Make sure that your paper has been approved rally enough support for it to pass before entering into Voting Bloc (you can delay voting bloc through motions and convince the other delegates) Try to get your resolution passed by acclamation Otherwise you can vote yes, no, or abstain Unless you have a good reason avoid roll call voting in large committees If you want to clarify why you voted no, say “no with rights” to give an explanation after

9 Voting Dividing the question: if there is a portion of a resolution that you want voted on separately from the rest of the resolution. Usually used of you agree with a resolution except for a specific operative clause Friendly amendments: are a change to the operative clauses that are agreed upon by all of the sponsors Unfriendly amendments: these are typically written by delegates outside of the sponsors of the resolution and are not agreed upon before voting bloc so they must be voted on by the body (if you do this make sure you have support)

10 Tips Delegates my try and take ideas from your resolution so it is vital to be detailed in your writing and ideas to prevent plagiarism. If there is an idea you like being discussed collaborate with those delegates and become the leader of the group. When writing with others be firm and remember the jurisdiction of the committee It is ok to debate off-policy delegates, and if they get too disruptive talk to your dias

11 tips Find a few intelligent similarly minded delegates to work with early and don’t be afraid to break away from arduous debate to start writing Have a good working relationship with the other groups and keep tabs on the development of other groups papers. Be visible to more than the people in your group (by the end of the first day people should be able to associate you with your paper)

12 tips Merging: the director may ask you to merge with another paper if they feel they have similar ideas As a general rule you want to avoid this, especially true the later into committee If you are forced to merge make sure they are merging into your paper (use your paper as the framework and incorporate some of their ideas). Maintain control of the writing and final product.

13 The spectrum In moderated caucus you want to be visible and vocal as much as possible. But, in unmoderated caucus there is a spectrum for ways to spend your time: One end is the writer who sits in a corner and writes their own resolution that may be very good, but will not get support The other end is the floater, they are often not associated with solely one paper and do not know the insides of any paper You want to find the happy medium between the two ends of the spectrum


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