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CCRS Implementation Team Meeting Leadership Session

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1 CCRS Implementation Team Meeting Leadership Session
Welcome everyone. April 2014

2 Next Steps What tool(s) are you using to observe effective implementation of the CCRS? Be prepared to share your tool(s) at the next CCRS Implementation Team Meeting. At our last meeting, we had an opportunity to observe a lesson through a math insight video and use the high school math Instructional Practice Guide. We stressed that the tool you use is not what is important, but what is important is that the tool you choose to use shines a light on instruction that focuses on the instructional shifts called for in the CCRS. Ask if anyone has tools or experiences to share. Ask if anyone used the Instructional Practice Guide in their schools? If anyone shares, question further about effectiveness and challenges…

3 Outcomes Share survey results of implementation of CCRS
Identify how principals can support implementation of the CCRS in their schools Network with colleagues around topics identified from survey results Read Outcomes Surveys following our last quarterly meeting looked a little different that ones in the past. We changed from getting information about the PD itself to information regarding implementation of the CCRS in districts, schools, and classrooms. The response was great and the information is extremely valuable to us as we plan forward, but even more important, it is valuable to you as you plan for getting the standards effectively implemented in every classroom.

4 Our Vision Every Child a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared for
College/Work/Adulthood in the 21st Century Everything we do should lead to this outcome. There are two important parts to this vision. We are continuing to get better at providing opportunity for all of our students to graduate. But, we must remember the second part of the vision – every graduate prepared. This is our challenge – opportunities and expectations that every student has a pathway to be successful in life beyond high school. These CCRS meetings are intended to equip us with greater understanding of the knowledge and skills needed to be successful beyond high school.

5 Prepared Graduate Defined
District and School Leadership Team Orientation Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit- bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. Macon County Schools - September 6, 2013

6 Absolutes Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects (Alabama College- and Career-Ready Standards - Courses of Study) Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum (Sample curricula found on ALEX and Alabama Insight) Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development (Sample lesson plans and supporting resources found on ALEX, differentiated support through ALSDE Regional Planning/Support Teams and ALSDE Initiatives, etc.) Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individuals and groups of students (GlobalScholar, QualityCore Benchmarks, and other locally determined assessments) With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama. (Alabama High School Graduation Requirements/Diploma) These absolutes really should guide our message, our professional learning plans, our reflection on implementation. Many of you are using these absolutes to review everything you are doing and ensure that you stay focused. We, too, use them as our guide to keep us from straying from the message – the goal – the vision.

7 Give out the template for the survey
Give out the template for the survey. Allow them to glance over the questions while sharing the following: So, this survey was designed to gather feedback on the level of implementation of standards based instruction. The questions we don’t have clear answers to are: Is the PD and content actually getting out to all teachers? Has instruction changed? Has student learning changed? The survey was sent to 1800 people. As of last week, over a thousand participants had responded. When this session was developed, about 870 people had responded. The responses I’ll show you reflect responses from the 870 people, but after reviewing the responses from the larger group, the trends remained the same. Keep in mind, that the responses are from those who have participated in the CCRS PD this year. A companion survey will be going out to all educators in all districts in a week or so. We’re anxious to hear from them about where they are with implementation of the CCRS. This data will be disaggregated by LEA so you can get information specific to your district. You may need to share that the “other” includes reading coaches, math coaches, instructional coaches, special ed. teachers and anyone else who attend the IT meetings that aren’t listed specifically on the left.

8 Share the next 6 slides. Allow a minute or two after each slide for a little conversation. Invite thoughts, wonderings….. Each of these provide a good sampling of where participants think we are with implementing the standards.



11 Allow time for conversation about how we support special populations.
Some effective practices to consider: Assigning the best teachers to teach student of special populations Providing extended/additional instructional and learning opportunities Implementing effective intervention

12 What changes are teachers in your district making to teaching practices as a result of the CCRS?
83.8% Incorporating new curricular materials and instructional strategies in teaching 86% Asking students more questions and encouraging them to develop answers independently 67.7% Structuring opportunities for students to develop and solve their own problems 78% Increasing collaboration with colleagues within the school and in other schools

13 Q10 Which of the following would help you feel better prepared to teach the CCRS?
More information about how the CCRs will change my instructional practice More information about how the CCRS will change what is expected of students Access to Assessments aligned to CCRS Access to curricular resources aligned to CCRS More Planning time More collaboration with colleagues Observations of CCRS aligned lessons So as you know, the leadership sessions are designed to provide support to principals so they can effectively support their teachers. In order for principals to provide the support teachers need, they need to know what teachers feel they need to effectively implement the CCRS in their classrooms. Share that Implementation Team members were asked to identify any of these items that they felt would help them implement the standards. There are a few others as well that you can see on your template. Give out the packet with the comments from Question 10. Directions for looking at the comments form question 10 will be provided in a separate document. Stop here. Don’t go to the next slide until after the activity.

14 Share the actual results from Question #10 after each group shares
Share the actual results from Question #10 after each group shares. Similarities?

15 implementation of the CCRS.
Next Steps How can you use information from the surveys to plan for next year? What structure do you have in place for teachers to express their needs/concerns? Would it be helpful to get this same type of information from leaders and teachers from schools in your district? We hope to hear from you at our first QM what changes you have made at your schools to support teachers and implementation of the CCRS.

16 Wrapping up………….

17 PLUACLD210B The district CCRS Implementation Team contact person will verify participation and implementation of activities. The district contact person will submit all forms to Phyllis Montalto at one time. All forms should be submitted by districts no later than June 15, 2014. Please be sure you have registered in STIPD for this PLU.

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