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Predicting Laptop Usage : an Empirical Investigation Jacques Raynauld, Ph.D. HEC-Montréal Maison des technologies University of Montréal.

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Presentation on theme: "Predicting Laptop Usage : an Empirical Investigation Jacques Raynauld, Ph.D. HEC-Montréal Maison des technologies University of Montréal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predicting Laptop Usage : an Empirical Investigation Jacques Raynauld, Ph.D. HEC-Montréal Maison des technologies University of Montréal

2 Overview Genesis of this session HEC-Montréal Virtuose program Technology acceptance model (TAM) Survey Results Conclusions

3 Genesis of this session ThinkTank 2001 at Wake Forest Difficult to assess the impact of laptop programs on learning – indirect measures like usage Immersed in the same environment, students report very different laptop usage intensity Any evaluation of a laptop program must take into account studentsexpec-tations prior to entering the program

4 Genesis of this session Work of some of our colleagues in IT (Henri Barki) which have studied the generic question of technology acceptance in a very rigorous way Technology acceptance model will guide our analysis (TAM)

5 HEC-Montréal Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) is a large business school part of the University of Montreal campus 200 full time faculty 10 000 full-time and part-time students

6 HEC-Montréal New building in 1996 All classes are wired and equiped with a video-data projector 8 000 network outlets All faculty have laptops since 1996

7 Virtuose Program First laptop initiative at the MBA level in 1997....... undergraduate BBA in 1998 3-year program Most of our students commute - do not live on campus

8 Virtuose Program Phased-in approach Students buy from the student run co-op HEC ThinkPad ensemble including the laptop, software, carrying bag, etc. Over 3 200 students currently enrolled

9 Virtuose program The laptop as a daily communication and working tool...... used in class in some chosen courses... and during some exams (20-25 each term) First year 12 sections of 65+ students for the whole year - imposed 9h to 3h schedule 10 core courses (5 per semester)

10 Technology Acceptance Model Davis, Fred D. et. Al. (1989), «User acceptance of computer technology : a comparaison of two theoretical models», Management Science, Vol. 35, No. 8, 982- 1003. Taylor, S. and P. A. Todd (1995), «Understanding Information technology Usage : a test of compiting models», Information System Research, Vol. 6, 144- 176.

11 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioral Intention Usage Behavior

12 Survey Two surveys were conducted electronically 77 questions N=755 in August 2001 when they first took possession of their laptop 52.6% male – 47.4% female N=235 in April 2002 (31% response rate, 42.4% male – 57.6% female) 4 $50 prizes were offered!

13 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioral Intention Usage Behaviour Perceived usefulness Using the laptop would enhance my study effectiveness (5.54) Using the laptop would improve my performance in the BBA program (4.27) Using the laptop would increase my productivity (5.23) I would find the laptop useful in the BBA program (5.65) Very unlikely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very likely

14 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioral Intention Usage Behavior Perceived ease of use It will be difficult to use correctly my laptop (5.21) Learning to use the laptop will be difficult for me (5.35) Using the laptop every day will be easy for me (5.26) I will be able to learn by myself how to use the software installed on my laptop (4.88)

15 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioral Intention Usage Behavior Attitude Using the laptop is a bad/good idea (5.82) Using the laptop is a foolish/wise idea (5.74) I dislike/like the idea of using the laptop (5.81) Using the laptop will be pleasant/ unpleasant (5.83)

16 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioural Intention Usage Behaviour Behavioural intention I intend to use the laptop frequently in the coming year (6.24) I will bring the laptop regularly to HEC in the coming year (6.41) I will be a heavy user of the laptop in the coming year (6.12) In the coming year, the laptop will be my daily communication and working tool (6.17)

17 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioural Intention Usage Behaviour Usage behaviour I have used the laptop frequently in the last year I have brought the laptop regularly to HEC in the last year I have been a heavy user of the laptop in the last year In the last year, the laptop has been my daily communication and working tool

18 August vs. April respondents



21 Correlations Perceived Ease of Use Perceived Usefulness Attitude Behavioral Intention Usage Behavior. August 01April 02.24

22 BI mean = 6.43 U mean = 6.14



25 Conclusion Very interesting and structured way to look at the question of laptop use Expectations of laptop use are very high at the beginning of the semester Behavioral intention are useful in predicting usage Core group of heavy user (29%) Significant group of converts (14%) Back to earth group (20%)

26 Conclusion Getting a better measure of usage Laptop as a learning tool!! Back to the 51 other questions …

27 Questions? Comments?

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