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Data Transfer Operations

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1 Data Transfer Operations
MOV 1-bit data transfer involving the CY flag MOV C, bit MOV bit, C 16-bit data transfer involving the DPTR MOV DPTR, #data 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

2 Data Transfer Instructions
MOVC Move Code Byte Load the accumulator with a byte from program memory. Must use indexed addressing MOVC MOVC 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

3 Data Transfer Instructions
MOVX Data transfer between the accumulator and a byte from external data memory. MOVX MOVX A A 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

4 Data Transfer Instructions
XCH Exchange accumulator and a byte variable XCH A, Rn XCH A, direct XCH XCHD Exchange lower digit of accumulator with the lower digit of the memory location specified. XCHD The lower 4-bits of the accumulator are exchanged with the lower 4-bits of the internal memory location identified indirectly by the index register. The upper 4-bits of each are not modified. 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

5 Data Transfer Instructions
PUSH / POP Push and Pop a data byte onto the stack. The data byte is identified by a direct address from the internal RAM locations. PUSH DIRECT POP DIRECT 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

6 Data Transfer Instructions
MOV A,Rn Move register to accumulator 1 1 MOV A,direct Move direct byte to accumulator 2 1 MOV Move indirect RAM to accumulator 1 1 MOV A,#data Move immediate data to accumulator 2 1 MOV Rn,A Move accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register MOV Rn,#data Move immediate data to register 2 1 MOV direct,A Move accumulator to direct byte 2 1 MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte MOV direct,direct Move direct byte to direct byte 3 2 MOV Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,#data Move immediate data to direct byte 3 2 Move accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 #data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 1 MOV DPTR, #data16 Load data pointer with a 16-bit constant 3 2 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

7 Data Transfer Instructions
MOVC + DPTR Move code byte relative to DPTR to accumulator MOVC + PC Move code byte relative to PC to accumulator MOVX Move external RAM (8-bit addr.) to A MOVX Move external RAM (16-bit addr.) to A Move A to external RAM (8-bit addr.) Move A to external RAM (16-bit addr.) 1 2 PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack POP direct Pop direct byte from stack XCH A,Rn Exchange register with accumulator XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with accumulator 2 1 XCH Exchange indirect RAM with accumulator 1 1 XCHD Exchange low-order nibble indir. RAM with A 1 1 5-Dec-18 Micro 8051

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