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European Studies Turn in: Nothing… Take out:

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1 European Studies 9.15.16 Turn in: Nothing… Take out:
Planner, Feudalism Chart, pen, paper for other notes. Today’s Learning Objectives: I can describe what life in the Middle Ages was like for different groups of people. Today’s Agenda: Review Definitions What’s the problem with Feudalism? Feudalism in “ACTION” HW: Online Exit Slip by 7:25am Friday! (no, it’s not there yet…by B lunch)

2 Lord—someone having power, authority, or influence
Definitions PEOPLE: Lord—someone having power, authority, or influence Vassal—holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance Serf—an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord’s estate Nobles—a person of noble rank or birth King—male ruler of independent state, usually inherited Knights—a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor

3 Other vocabulary Fief—an estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service. Oath of Fealty—a pledge of allegiance from one person to another…works from subordinates to lords Tithe—1/10th, 10% of produce (or earnings), formerly taken as a “tax” for support of the church and clergy Manor—an estate of land, originally a feudal lordship consisting of a lord’s demense (diˈmān)—lord’s private land—and utilized by tenants

4 Feudalism “Explained” (sort of…)
Nobles? Nobles? Nobles?

5 So, what’s the issue with Feudalism
What do you think??? (Block) Corruption within the Church—part of the political system? Possibly… The peasants were tired of being treaty differently…equality??? At one level, difficult to move from one group to another… What happens when the people get angry enough??? Views evolve over time…

6 So, what’s the issue with Feudalism
What do you think??? (3rd…) --Rich/Poor divided… --Too much control: king/one person --Serfs can’t move up… --competition for lands between lords --serfs might rebel

7 So, what’s the issue with Feudalism
What does Steen think??? 1. It seems like a fairly simple solution to the problems facing Europe after the Fall of Rome. However, in reality, it gave opportunity to so many complications: Who were you bound to if you were given land? Where did your loyalty actually reside? What are the problems with this? 2. Trade suffered…greatly. Why? Think about how the bonds of agreement impacted those “downstream” from power. If you spend all your energy working for someone else, what do you have left for yourself? --

8 Feudalism “Explained” (sort of…)
Nobles? “ A ” Nobles? Nobles?

9 Feudalism in “ACTION” YOU NEED TO LISTEN AND FOLLOW VERBAL DIRECTIONS!!! You will be randomly assigned a role: 1. King 2. Lord 3. Vassal 4. Peasant Each role has an identifier on the card (i.e. 1, 2, 3, “B” or 1A, 2B, etc.) You will need to assemble in distinct groups…form with your group—Kings: you’re at the front! Serfs/Peasants—keep to yourself (within your identifiers) You will be given a form of “wealth”—you will all begin with an equal amount—

10 Kings (100 pieces total…roughly)
You are to get “wealth…” and distribute one collection to each of your (2) Lords/Nobles Lords/Nobles You are to get “wealth” and distribute collection to each of your (3) Vassals/Knights Vassals/Knights You are to get “wealth” and distribute collection to each of your (2) Serfs/Peasants Peasants Hang tight…your superiors will care for you!

11 You are to give your Vassal/Knight 3 pieces of your “wealth”
Peasants You are to give your Vassal/Knight 3 pieces of your “wealth” Vassals/Knights For each of your Serfs/Peasants, you are to give your Lord/Noble 2 pieces of “wealth.” Lords/Nobles For each of your Vassals, you are to give your King 1 piece of “wealth.” Kings Pretty good, right?

12 Now, to build a connection to our next topic…The Church…
Time to TITHE!

13 In your remaining time, look at your “wealth
In your remaining time, look at your “wealth.” Reflect on your role in this society and how that impacts how much “wealth” you possess.

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