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A. Topographic radiation correction in COSMO: gridscale or subgridscale? B. COSMO-2: convection resolving or convection inhibiting model? Matteo Buzzi.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Topographic radiation correction in COSMO: gridscale or subgridscale? B. COSMO-2: convection resolving or convection inhibiting model? Matteo Buzzi."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Topographic radiation correction in COSMO: gridscale or subgridscale? B. COSMO-2: convection resolving or convection inhibiting model? Matteo Buzzi MeteoSwiss COSMO GM, WG3,

2 A. Topographic radiation correction: gridscale or subgridscale?
Radiation in complex terrain Default COSMO radiation scheme (Ritter&Geleyn,1992): topographic effects on radiation are not considered COSMO-2 (2.2km) and COSMO-7 MeteoSwiss: grid-scale radiation correction (Buzzi, 2008) Next step: compare the grid-scale and subgrid-scale radiation correction over a longer period Preliminary results: 2 winter weeks ( )

3 Two radiation correction procedures
model gridcell Grid scale (COSMO km, COSMO km) : COSMO Topo slope angle,slope aspect skyview, horizon COSMO run correction factors Müller and Scherrer (2005), Buzzi (2008) Orange: gridscale topography (e.g. 2.2 km horizontal resolution) Yellow: subgridscale topography (e.g. 200 m horizontal resolution) Process or calculation parts in the dashed rectangle are performed before the model integration Subgrid scale (COSMO m, COSMO-7 1 km): DEM topo correction factors skyview aggregation COSMO run slope angle,slope aspect skyview, horizon

4 Test suite 2 winter weeks: 12-25.12.2007
COSMO-2 with own assimilation cycle COSMO-7 with own assimilation cycle Compared the operational suite with gridscale radiation correction and the testsuite with subgridscale radiation correction

5 Results - 2m temperature

6 2 m dew point COSMO-2 COSMO-7

7 RMSE 2m temperature: summary
N stn Subgrid Grid Subgrid Grid Subgrid Grid All 491 3.06 3.03 3.22 3.21 1339 2.26 0-500 283 2.64 2.69 1032 2.15 120 3.71 3.68 3.85 3.82 193 2.94 39 4.01 3.93 4.15 56 2.98 2.96 27 3.08 3.05 3.74 3.76 33 3.37 3.45 22 2.08 2.11 3.00 3.02 25 2.32 [°C] 2 correction options are virtually equivalent, no significant differences Stations with positive and negative effects are in balance Stations are located near gridpoints with low impact

8 Mean difference 12-25.12.2007 subgrid-grid, direct shortwave radiation
09 UTC 14 UTC [W/m2] COSMO-2 [min,max]=[-204,223] COSMO-7 [min,max]=[-102,84]

9 Mean difference 12-25.12.2007 subgrid-grid, diffuse downward radiation
09 UTC 14 UTC [W/m2] COSMO-2 [min,max]=[-12,15] COSMO-7 [min,max]=[-11,11]

10 Mean difference 12-25.12.2007 subgrid-grid, longwave downward radiation
09 UTC 14 UTC [W/m2] COSMO-2 [min,max]=[-11,18] COSMO-7 [min,max]=[-10,14]

11 Mean difference 12-25.12.2007 subgrid-grid, shortwave balance
09 UTC 14 UTC [W/m2] COSMO-2 [min,max]=[-146,164] COSMO-7 [min,max]=[-67,57]

12 Mean difference 12-25.12.2007 subgrid-grid, surface temperature
09 UTC 14 UTC [°C] COSMO-2 [min,max]=[-7.6,8.5] COSMO-7 [min,max]=[-4.9,4.7]

13 Mean difference 12-25.12.2007 subgrid-grid, 2m temperature
09 UTC 14 UTC °C COSMO-2 [min,max]=[-2.3,3.1] COSMO-7 [min,max]=[-1.5,1.4]

14 Conclusions and outlook
Verification differences are very small But: impact on the surface radiation components and on surface temperature are significant Stations are probably not really representative for the entire alpine region, compensation effects Stable conditions: upward transport of information reduced Differences at the surface can be relevant for snow melting Is not possible to indicate the winner! Gridscale correction has an important practical advantage: Easy to be operated: long preprocessing calculations for computation of external parameters can be avoided Additional verification is necessary 2 summer weeks Radiation verification with satellite data and ASRB stations

15 B. COSMO-2: Convection resolving or convection inhibiting model?
RADAR mm/24h

16 But COSMO-7 is not really better…

17 Why is COSMO-2 so bad? Some hypothesis...
Beyond of predictability issues ... We are faced in these situations (no strong dynamical forcing) with “non-equilibrium convection cases” (Craig et al.) Limiting factor is the trigger (CIN overcoming) and not the forcing (generation of CAPE) PBL and soil humidity distribution, local circulations, topography effects, small scale surface moisture convergence, PBL profiles near the surface Independent shallow convection and turbulence parameterization (communication between scales) LHN is the rescuer, but has always a positive impact?  Problem is probably located in the PBL

18 Parallel test-suites - July 2008
Motivation: Try something in order to save model reputation Past tests: COSMO model is very sensitive to changes of the turbulence scheme parameter tur_len (Koller, 2008; Seifert, 2007) Smaller values reduce turbulent mixing, increase gridscale fluxes Testsuites: Modified asymptotic turbulent length scale (tur_len) Change of settings in the statistical cloud scheme: 1. opr: clc_diag=0.75, qcrit=4.0 2. and 3. test: clc_diag=0.5, qcrit=1.6 6 days: all 3 configurations ( ): fuzzy verification for 00 runs 30 days: configuration 1 and 2 ( ): fuzzy verification for 00 runs

19 Referece: radar composite
Fuzzy Verification Verification on coarser scales than model scale: “Do not require a point wise match!“ Referece: radar composite Method Raw Data Fuzzyfication Score Example result Upscaling Average Equitable threat score Fraction Skill Score (Roberts and Lean, 2005) Fractional coverage Skill score with reference to worst forecast X x X x good bad

20 Fuzzy verification 2-8.07.2008 1. COSMO-2 500 2. COSMO-2 250

21 Tests vs operational 2-8.07.2008 2.COSMO-2 250 vs 1. 500
TEST better operational better

22 July 2008 – 00 UTC RUNS 1. COSMO-2 OPR 500 2. COSMO-2 test 250
Difference 1.COSMO-2 operational better COSMO-2 operational better 2. COSMO-2 test better COSMO-2 test better

23 July 2008 – all runs with 3h cut-off
1. COSMO-2 OPR 500 2. COSMO-2 test 250 Difference 1.COSMO-2 operational better 2. COSMO-2 test better

24 Conclusions and outlook
Reduction of the asymptotic mixing length: No wonder results! We still have a trigger problem. Test 1 with 150m: Too many gridpoints react Small deterioration from small to medium scales and from small to medium thresholds Test 2 with 250m: small improvement at medium to large scales and medium to large thresholds Optimal value should be close to 250 m Outlook: three case studies have been selected: further investigations (soil moisture, vertical profiles, role of the LHN, shallow convection, SBL) Verification of other meteorological parameters

25 Thank you for your attention!

26 Wind speed and direction COSMO-2

27 Wind speed and direction COSMO-7

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