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City of Greeley Park Planner

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Presentation on theme: "City of Greeley Park Planner"— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Greeley Park Planner
Recent planning efforts: 2015 Bicycle Master Plan, 2016 PTOL, 2017 Get Outdoors Greeley, 2018 Imagine Greeley Comprehensive Plan Sarah Boyd MLA, LCI City of Greeley Park Planner

2 Youth Engagement Youth Task Force School Meetings
Inform the project Survey Distribution Organize School Meetings School Meetings Franklin Middle School, Bella Romero Academy Northridge Club Meeting Partner Agency Meetings Boys and Girls Club: Pawl Unit Youth Engagement

3 What are the reasons local youth do not access nature more often?
38% Don’t know where to go 35 % Too busy 34.1% No places near that interest me 32.8% I don’t have a way to get there Survey says:

4 Nature Disadvantaged Areas
> ½ mile walking distance to ‘A’ or ‘B’ ranked park/nat. area >2000 Households Households <1000 Households 59% of households are within a 10-minute walk, or one-half mile, of a park or publicly accessible natural area only 25% of households are within walking distance of a park or natural area with a Nature Score of ‘A’ or ‘B’. Areas with limited access to quality nature places are described as ‘Nature Disadvantaged.’ Areas with the greatest need have no access to a quality park or natural area within walking distance More than 2,000 households lowest income sector of population TRANSPORTATION is a significant barrier to experiencing the out doors and engaging in nature experiences

5 Natural Area Conceptual Plan
B A A - Site Access B – Bike Skills Course C - Interactive Water Play D - Nature Play Area E - Hammock Grove F - Climbing G - Archery Range H - Ropes Course I - Wellness Loops J - Environmental Art K - Look Out Tower East Memorial Natural Area G Waggin’ Tail Dog Park F H E A I C D Discovery Bay Splash Park K J A

6 Where imaginations soar!

7 Millennial Preferences
8 of 10 workers by 2025 75% of workforce Proximity to parks/open space extremely or very important when choosing where to live Green, walkable(10 min.) and Hip “A community where our employees will enjoy living, recreational opportunities, educational opportunities, and an overall high quality of life,” is how Amazon defines quality of life. October 20th 2017: NRPA OPEN Space Blog

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