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It is illegal to erect a washing line across any street.

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Presentation on theme: "It is illegal to erect a washing line across any street."— Presentation transcript:

1 It is illegal to erect a washing line across any street.
Which of these are false It is illegal to use a television in Britain without a license.  It is an offense to be intoxicated (drunk) and in charge of a cow in Scotland. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the Queen  It is illegal to erect a washing line across any street. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter Ask which of these laws are false? All of them are true… Should any be updated or changed for today? Or should all laws be kept the same?

2 Mitzvots Learning Objective: To enquire into mitzvots and to evaluate if they should be updated for the modern world.

3 What rules change as you get older, which ones stay the same?
What about their own lives, think pair share… What rules did you have when you were a child? Can the students think of 5, Which of these rules still apply today? Why do rules change as we grow older yet some of them stay the same? What rules change as you get older, which ones stay the same? What rules did you have when you were a child?

4 A set of guidelines for life set by God.
Mitzvots Mitzvots means rules in Hebrew. Moses was given these by God for Jews to follow. A set of guidelines for life set by God. Explain that in Judaism there are 613 rules a Jew must follow, these are called Mitzvots, Moses told these God, and the 10 commandments were the most important 10! Share some of these 613 with the students, then ask the same question as in the apply section, Which of these rules still apply today? Should any of them change?

5 Some examples… Not to do work on the first day of Passover
Honour the old and the young Not to do work on the first day of Passover  Some examples… That a widow whose husband died childless must not be married to anyone but her deceased husband's brother Which of these rules still apply today? Should any of them change? Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger

6 Reform vs Orthodox Which of these types of Jew would update the laws for today? Explain how reform Jews will modernise a lot of the laws of Judaism and recognise that Moses received these laws a long time ago and so some don’t fit with the modern world. Whereas Orthodox Jews would believe that they should keep the mitzvoth as they are today.

7 Mitzvots…should they be updated?
Task: You will be finding out about 2 of the 613 mitzvots… Kosher and Sabbath. You will be going to each station, read the instructions, write the question and answer into your books. How do the Mitzvots impact a Jews day to day life? Explain that students need to find out in more detail about two mitzvots in more detail

8 Is it acceptable reform the mitzvots, or should all Jews stick to the original 613 mitzvots?
Should all Jews follow each mitzvot to the same degree? This could be done as a discussion circle. Or Students could write a persuasive speech to say why they should or shouldn’t be followed to the same degree.

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