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Preventing Work Related Contact Dermatitis in Catering Workers

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Work Related Contact Dermatitis in Catering Workers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Work Related Contact Dermatitis in Catering Workers

2 Dermatitis in catering
Contact dermatitis is one of the main causes of ill health in catering workers The incidence rate for the hotel and catering sector is twice the all industry average Almost all workers engaged in wet work have some degree of dermatitis

3 What is contact dermatitis?
A disease involving inflammation of the skin Caused by damage to the skin by substances such as solvents, wet work and cleaners Some substances cause sensitization

4 What is contact dermatitis like?
Inflammation of the skin leading to Redness Itching Scaling / flaking Blistering Weeping Cracking Pain

5 Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis cannot be passed from one person to another You may not have it now but that does not mean you will never develop it Contact dermatitis can be caused and made worse within the workplace Often starts on the hands and can spread to other parts of the body

6 Types of contact dermatitis
Irritant contact dermatitis Single heavy dose or prolonged exposure Allergic contact dermatitis Repeated exposure, sensitisation There are two types of contact dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis Can flare up because of one or a few contacts with a strong irritant, like bleach or strong cleaners. Or, more commonly, it can develop slowly over time from contact with milder irritants – working in water with detergents for example. These contacts with milder irritants damage the skin barrier, without you realising it. If you have had dermatitis or eczema as a child, then you are more prone to developing irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis Happens when you become allergic to something you are in contact with. Once you become allergic to something, you will get a rash every time you come into contact with it. You may well have it for life. Sometimes allergic contact dermatitis can develop quickly, possibly after only a few contacts with the substance. Sometimes it can take months, or even years, before the allergy develops. It is not always clear why somebody suddenly becomes allergic to something they have worked with for a long time without any problem, but it can and does happen.

7 Contact with substances in the workplace
Immersion Direct handling Contaminated surfaces Splashing Depositing

8 What causes allergic contact dermatitis?
Onions and garlic Flour and dough Fish and shell fish Meat and poultry Herbs, seasoning and spices

9 What causes irritant contact dermatitis?
Chemical Detergents Solvents Wet work Pot washing Wet food preparation

10 What is wet work? Wet work means having your hands frequently in contact with water. As a guide More than 2 hours contact with water per day 20 or more hand washes per day Tasks such as daily cleaning of tools and surfaces Preparing or processing wet food

11 How to prevent contact dermatitis?
Avoid contact Protect your skin Check for early signs of dermatitis

12 No contact – No dermatitis
Avoid skin contact No contact – No dermatitis Make people aware of dermatitis and its causes Where possible Use automation (eg. mixing or peeling) Handle food with tools (eg tongs) Buy in ready prepared ingredients Use a dishwasher Use tools for cleaning and pot washing

13 Protect the skin Re-usable gauntlets will be more appropriate for pot washing Know how to put them on and take them off Choose the correct size and suitable material for individual and task Use a non latex single use food grade glove for wet food prep Dispose of single use gloves after each use

14 Take regular glove breaks Wash contamination off the skin
Protect the skin Take regular glove breaks Wash contamination off the skin Wash hands before and after glove use Dry your hands thoroughly with a soft paper towel Use appropriate moisturizing creams before and after work Hypoallergenic, fragrance and nut oil free Ensure all parts of the hands are covered

15 Check for early signs of dermatitis Who checks
Check the skin Check for early signs of dermatitis Who checks Employee Responsible person What next Investigation Follow up Reporting Take action

16 What about food hygiene?
Damaged skin can be more difficult to wash and clean properly Dermatitis can become infected with the potential to contaminate food Gloves must be used properly Dispose of single use gloves after each use Wash hands before and after wearing gloves Take regular glove breaks Guard against bacterial cross contamination of food

17 A cook’s tale

18 A cook’s tale – the problem
32 year old female cook with 10 years experience Developed rash on hands arms and face Happened on three occasions following cleaning ovens with disposable latex gloves as protection Each “attack” lasted 2 weeks and required treatment from her GP Referred to skin specialist doctor Patch test showed allergy to a chemical in the oven cleaner

19 A cook’s tale – the solution
Visit by Workplace Health Connect Adviser Removed from oven cleaning until symptoms subsided Oven cleaner changed for one which did not contain the allergen Hand care products supplied Training for cook on performing and recording skin checks and access to medical advice

20 A cook’s tale – the benefits
Reduced risk of new cases of dermatitis or worsening of dermatitis in existing sufferers Experienced and trained workers retained in employment Reduced cost in terms of sickness absence and temporary staff cover

21 Where to get more information & help
Ask your Health & Safety Officer Ask your doctor

22 You can prevent contact dermatitis
Remember… Avoid contact Protect skin Check for early signs of dermatitis

23 End

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