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AMERICAN HISTORY By: Brittany Miller.

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1 AMERICAN HISTORY By: Brittany Miller


3 1861 1862 1863 Mystery $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

4 $100 QUESTION: The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 off the coast of South Carolina at ________.

5 $100 QUESTION: The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 off the coast of South Carolina at ________. ANSWER: Fort Sumter

6 $200 QUESTION: What are two details about the attack on Fort Sumter?

7 $200 QUESTION: What are two details about the attack on Fort Sumter? ANSWER: - It started when Lincoln replaces supplies there (no men; weapons) - CSA wins; No one was hurt (except a horse) - Lincoln calls 75,000 troops for 90 days after -P.G.T. Beauregard defeats Anderson - N. Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Virginia leave

8 QUESTION: Why were Kentucky and Missouri important border states?

9 $300 QUESTION: Why were Kentucky and Missouri important border states? ANSWER: Access to the Ohio River and Mississippi River for supply and troop movement.

10 $400 QUESTION: What was the significance (or importance) of the first battle of Bull Run?

11 $400 QUESTION: What was the significance (or importance) of the first battle of Bull Run? ANSWER: - Both sides are very serious about fighting - The war appears it will be long, hard, and ugly

12 $500 QUESTION: What are two details about the battle of the first battle of Bull Run?

13 $500 QUESTION: What are two details about the battle of the first battle of Bull Run? ANSWER: 10,000 rebel troops come by train to help the south win Stonewall Jackson helps rebels turn the battle around and gains his nickname Picnickers watched, but soon fled the battle

14 $100 QUESTION: Name one of the three battles that help the Union gain control of the Tennessee River?

15 $100 QUESTION: Name one of the three battles that help the Union gain control of the Tennessee River? ANSWER: Fort Donelson Fort Henry Shiloh

16 $200 QUESTION: This siege gave the Union control of the mouth of the Mississippi.

17 $200 QUESTION: This siege gave the Union control of the mouth of the Mississippi. ANSWER: Siege of New Orleans

18 $300 QUESTION: Where did Stonewall Jackson win multiple battles with far less troops than the Union during the Spring of 1862?

19 $300 QUESTION: Where did Stonewall Jackson win multiple battles with far less troops than the Union during the Spring of 1862? ANSWER: Shenandoah Valley

20 $800 Question: What was the importance of the Monitor versus the Merrimack?

21 $800 Question: What was the importance of the Monitor versus the Merrimack? ANSWER: It started a new age of naval warfare that scared Europe because their ships were obsolete!

22 $500 QUESTION: What are three reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation was so important?

23 $500 QUESTION: What are three reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation was so important? ANSWER: - It stopped England from entering the war (against slavery). - It gave soldiers another cause to fight. - It encourages slaves in the CSA to run away or stop working.

24 $100 Question: How long was Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?

25 1863 - $100 Question: How long was Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?
ANSWER: 2 minutes

26 $200 Question: Where was Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded?

27 1863 - $200 Question: Where was Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded?
ANSWER: Chancellorsville

28 $300 QUESTION: The Confederates started their draft in ______ and the Union started theirs in _____.

29 $300 QUESTION: The Confederates started their draft in ______ and the Union started theirs in _____. ANSWER: 1862, 1863

30 $400 Question: What are two details about the battle of Vicksburg?

31 $400 Question: What are two details about the battle of Vicksburg? ANSWER: - the Union blocks Rebels into the city to starve them out The Rebels give up on the 4th of July Ships endure bombing to pass the city Grant marches men through swamps to get there winning battle after battle

32 $500 QUESTION: Why was the siege of Vicksburg so important?

33 1863 - $500 QUESTION: Why was the siege of Vicksburg so important?
Answer: It allowed the Union to move troops, goods, and information up and down the Mississippi River. The South is now split into east and west

34 $100 QUESTION: Who Shot Abraham Lincoln?

35 1864-65 - $100 QUESTION: Who Shot Abraham Lincoln? ANSWER:
John Wilkes Booth

36 $200 QUESTION: What town on the Atlantic Coast did General Sherman present to Lincoln during December of 1864?

37 $200 QUESTION: What town on the Atlantic Coast did General Sherman present to Lincoln during December of 1864? ANSWER: Savannah

38 $300 QUESTION: Who was Lincoln’s opponent in the 1864 election and what helped Lincoln win?

39 $300 QUESTION: Who was Lincoln’s opponent in the 1864 election and what helped Lincoln win? ANSWER: - George McClellan; - Soldier votes ; Atlanta Victory

40 $400 QUESTION: After battle at Chattanooga, this general took over all of the Union Army because “He fights”.

41 $400 QUESTION: After battle at Chattanooga, this general took over all of the Union Army because “He fights”. ANSWERS: Ulysses S. Grant

42 $500 QUESTION: The process of reeking havoc on all of civilian life (destroying anything useful) is called what?

43 $500 QUESTION: The process of reeking havoc on all of civilian life (destroying anything useful) is called what? ANSWER: Total War

44 Mystery Map - $100 QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Shiloh The battle of Seven Pines The battle of Gettysburg

45 Mystery Map - $100 QUESTION: ANSWER: c) Gettysburg

46 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Shiloh The attack at Fort Sumter The battle of Gettysburg

47 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: ANSWER: The Attack at Fort Sumter

48 Mystery Map - $300 QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Gettysburg The attack at Fort Sumter The battle of Shiloh

49 Mystery Map - $300 QUESTION: ANSWER: Shiloh

50 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: . Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Seven Pines The attack at New Orleans The siege of Atlanta .

51 Mystery Map - $400 QUESTION: ANSWER: Siege of Atlanta

52 Mystery Map - $500 QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following?
The siege of New Orleans The siege of Vicksburg The siege of Atlanta

53 Mystery Map - $500 QUESTION: ANSWER: Siege of Vicksburg

54 1861 1862 1863 Mystery $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

55 $200 QUESTION: Why was Delaware an important border state?

56 1861 - $200 QUESTION: Why was Delaware an important border state?
$200 QUESTION: Why was Delaware an important border state? ANSWER: Major Northern trading state with access to Philadelphia (city of trade)

57 $400 Question: Why was Maryland an important border state?

58 1861 - $400 Question: Why was Maryland an important border state?
Answer: - Many railroads - Borders Washington D.C. on three sides

59 $600 Question: What are three strengths of the Union going into war (explain!)

60 $600 Question: What are three strengths of the Union going into war (explain!) Answer: - More Money (pay soldiers, buy goods) - More Manufacturing (make goods, weapons) - Abraham Lincoln (persistent) - More People (can afford to lose more men in battle) - Better Technology (more trains, hot air balloons)

61 $1600 Question: What are three strengths of the confederacy going into war? (explain)

62 $1600 Question: What are three strengths of the confederacy going into war? (explain) Answer: - Passion (fighting to keep lifestyle) - know land ( Fought in South; easier to travel and fight) - better generals (experience from Mexican War) - Easier to win (if the USA leaves they win)

63 $1000 Question: What were three pieces of the Anaconda Plan?

64 1861 - $1000 Question: What were three pieces of the Anaconda Plan?
Answer: 1) Control the Mississippi River 2) Blockade Southern Ports 3) Capture Richmond

65 $200 Question: At what battle was Lee put in charge of the Confederate Army?

66 $200 . Question: At what battle was Lee put in charge of the Confederate Army? Answer: The Battle of Seven Pines

67 $400 Question: Why do Union troops chant Fredericksburg for the remainder of the war?

68 $400 Question: Why do Union troops chant Fredericksburg for the remainder of the war? Answer: While it was a huge loss, troops (the 69th Irish brigade) fight valiantly charging Marye’s Heights.

69 $600 Question: At Bull Run II, ___________ marched troops 50 miles in 2 days to help the ______ win and move 25 miles to put pressure on this city.

70 $600 Question: At Bull Run II, ___________ marched troops 50 miles in 2 days to help the ______ win and move 25 miles to put pressure on this city. Answer: Stonewall Jackson, Confederate, Washington D.C.

71 $800 Question: What are two details of the battle of Antietam?

72 1862 - $800 Question: What are two details of the battle of Antietam?
$800 Question: What are two details of the battle of Antietam? Answer: - Union found cigars wrapped in plans but wait to use them (4 days) Bloody Lane is fought in the morning Burnsides Bridge is taken by the Union in the afternoon McClellan will not chase the Rebels; Burnside put in Charge

73 $1000 Question: Why was Antietam such an important battle?

74 1862 - $1000 Question: Why was Antietam such an important battle?
$1000 Question: Why was Antietam such an important battle? Answer: - The Union stops the rebels from winning a northern battle (cutting off D.C.) - It gives Lincoln a chance to push for Emancipation - It was the bloodiest single day battle(17,000 casualties)

75 $200 Question: Which Draft signed up 18 – 35 year olds and how did they allow citizens to get out of fighting?

76 $200 Question: Which Draft signed up 18 – 35 year olds and how did they allow citizens to get out of fighting? Answer: The Confederate Draft allowed you to get out of fighting if you own 20 or more slaves

77 $400 Question: How did soldiers get out of the Union draft and where did they protest the draft most noticeably?

78 $400 Question: How did soldiers get out of the Union draft and where did they protest the draft most noticeably? Answer: - $ got you out of the draft - Protests were most intense in New York City

79 $1200 Question: What are two reasons the Gettysburg Address was given?

80 $1200 Question: What are two reasons the Gettysburg Address was given? Answer: - To give closure to the Battle - To honor the soldiers that fought there - To remind people why we are doing this (preserve liberty)

81 $800 Question: What are two details of the Battle of Gettysburg?

82 $800 Question: What are two details of the Battle of Gettysburg? Answer: - The Rebels win Day 1 but the Union keeps high ground. - The Union wins day two thanks to a bayonet charge at Little Round Top. -The Union is the sizable victor after winning Day 3 when Pickett’s Charge fails the Rebels.

83 $1000 Question: Why was the Battle of Gettysburg so important? (2 reasons)

84 $1000 Question: Why was the Battle of Gettysburg so important? (2 reasons) Answer: - high rebel casualties stop future rebel offensive attacks (only defense) - The Confederates will never threaten northern territory again

85 $200 Question: When the Union captures _________, Virginia the third stage of the __________ plan is completed.

86 $200 Question: When the Union captures _________, the third stage of the __________ plan is completed. Answer: Richmond; Anaconda

87 $400 Question: This event throws the country into great confusion and places doubt on the mending of the nation.

88 $400 Question: This event throws the country into great confusion and places doubt on the mending of the nation Answer: Lincoln’s Assassination

89 $600 Question: Sherman’s March devastates the South making Civilians victims of war from __________, Georgia to the Atlantic and on into the first state to secede, _____________.

90 $600 Question: Sherman’s March devastates the South making Civilians victims of war from __________, Georgia to the Atlantic and on into the first state to secede, _____________. Answer: Atlanta ; South Carolina

91 $800 Question: At _______________, Virginia, ______’s rebel army surrenders to _______ the head of the Union army ending the civil war.

92 $800 Question: At _______________, Virginia, ______’s rebel army surrenders to _______ the head of the Union army ending the civil war. Answer: Appomattox Courthouse; Lee; Grant

93 $1000 Question: Lee decided to fight for the _______ because of his love for his _______ over his _________.

94 $1000 Question: Lee decided to fight for the _______ because of his love for his _______ over his _________. Answer: Confederacy; State; Country

95 Mystery Mapping $200 Question: Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Shiloh The attack at Antietam The battle of Bull Run

96 Mystery Mapping $200 Question: Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Shiloh The battle of Antietam The battle of Bull Run ANSWER: Bull Run

97 Mystery Mapping $400 Question:
What order do the following events go in? The battle of Shiloh The siege of Richmond The battle of Bull Run I Attack at Fort Sumter

98 Mystery Mapping $400 Question: Battle orders… ANSWER: Fort Sumter
Bull Run 1 Shiloh Siege of Richmond

99 Mystery Mapping $600 QUESTION: Which event is shown in the following?
The battle of Shiloh The Shenandoah battles The Battle of Gettysburg

100 Mystery Mapping $600 QUESTION: Which battle… ANSWER: Shenandoah

101 Mystery Mapping $800 Question: . Place the following events in order.
Siege of New Orleans Siege of Fort Sumter Siege of Atlanta Surrender of Appomattox .

102 Mystery Mapping $800 Question: Place the following events in order.
Siege of New Orleans Siege of Fort Sumter Siege of Atlanta Surrender of Appomattox ANSWER: 1) Fort Sumter 2) New Orleans 3) Atlanta 4) Appomattox Courthouse

103 Mystery Mapping $1000 QUESTION:
What order did the following events happen in? Siege of Atlanta Antietam Shiloh Gettysburg

104 Mystery Mapping $1000 QUESTION:
QUESTION: What order did the following events happen in? -Siege of Atlanta -Antietam -Shiloh - Gettysburg ANSWER: 1) Shiloh, 2) Antietam, 3)Gettysburg and then 4) Atlanta

105 Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $800!!!

106 Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $400!!!

107 Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $1600!!!

108 Daily Double!! NOW WORTH $1200!!!

109 Final Jeopardy!

110 Final Jeopardy Question
Why did the South secede and why did the Union ultimately fight the South when the war started?

111 Final Jeopardy Question
Why did the South secede and why did the Union ultimately fight the South when the war started? The South wanted states rights and protection of their culture The Union wanted to preserve the United States and not let states come and go whenever they please

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