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The Systems Concept River Lake Watershed Ridgetop Sediment Sed. Rock

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Presentation on theme: "The Systems Concept River Lake Watershed Ridgetop Sediment Sed. Rock"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Systems Concept River Lake Watershed Ridgetop Sediment Sed. Rock A system is any part of the universe that can be separated to make observations. Lindsley, 8/99

2 Isolated System - no exchange of energy or matter
Closed System - energy may be exchanged. Open System - both energy, matter exchanged. Lindsley, 8/99

3 Open System: sunlight and water enter from outside, heat and water leave the island
Lindsley, 8/99

4 Earth approximates a closed system
The resources we have are ALL we will ever have. Energy enters as solar radiation, leaves as heat Almost no matter enters or leaves Lindsley, 8/99

5 4 Main Subsystems of Earth
Biosphere = life Atmosphere = air (gases) Lithosphere = outer rigid shell of rock Hydrosphere = water Lindsley, 8/99

6 Earth is unique because of its water
Earth is the only terrestrial planet whose temperature cycles around the freezing point of water. Lindsley, 8/99

7 Water and its Phases Lindsley, 8/99

8 Conditions on Earth allow water to exist in all 3 of its phases
Lindsley, 8/99

9 Lindsley, 8/99

10 Lindsley, 8/99

11 Lindsley, 8/99

12 Lindsley, 8/99

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