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DRILL’s First Round 05/12/2018.

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1 DRILL’s First Round 05/12/2018

2 Disabled people creating knowledge
Challenging what is considered ‘natural’ ‘It is not individual limitations, of whatever kind, which are the cause of the problem but society's failure to provide appropriate services and adequately ensure the needs of disabled people are fully taken into account in its social organisation.’-Mike Oliver, 1990 MIKE OLIVER BA PhD READER IN DISABILITY STUDIES THAMES POLYTECHNIC Paper presented at Joint Workshop of the Living Options Group and the Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians on PEOPLE WITH ESTABLISHED LOCOMOTOR DISABILITIES INHOSPITALS Monday 23 July 1990 05/12/2018

3 Disabled people creating knowledge
Disability-led research led to: The 1995 Disability Discrimination Act The Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 Disability Research into Independent Living and Learning Disability-led research for the 21st century 5 year, £5 million research programme funded by The Big Lottery Finding evidence, generating solutions Tom Shakespeare noted that research led by disabled people provided the evidence of discrimination, which persuaded UK government to introduce 1995 disability discrimination law 05/12/2018

4 Co-produced research Sharing knowledge and skills
Disabled people as researchers, not research subjects Collaboration, not consultation Focus on solutions What is co-production and disability led? Led by disabled people and their priorities, usually in partnership with researchers (disabled and/ or non-disabled) and others. DRILL projects are not undertaken ‘on’ or ‘for’ disabled people; they are undertaken ‘with’ and ‘by’ disabled people. 05/12/2018

5 The DRILL programme Led by 4 organisations Disability Rights UK
Inclusion Scotland Disability Wales Disability Action Northern Ireland Led by 4 organisations (Inclusion Scotland, DR UK, Disability Wales, Disability Action N. Ireland) Roadshows to find diverse disabled people’s priorities Themes: participation in social, economic and public life Projects co-produced by disabled people and researchers Every level of decision making led by disabled people, with researchers and policy experts 05/12/2018

6 The DRILL programme Participation
In the economy In the community In civic and public life In anything Projects co-produced by disabled people and researchers Led by 4 organisations (Inclusion Scotland, DR UK, Disability Wales, Disability Action N. Ireland) Roadshows to find diverse disabled people’s priorities Themes: participation in social, economic and public life Projects co-produced by disabled people and researchers Every level of decision making led by disabled people, with researchers and policy experts 05/12/2018

7 The DRILL programme 210 applications from across the UK
140 from England Variety of disabilities, ages, communities and methods Exciting and innovative ideas 05/12/2018

8 Learning from the first round
Reaching and engaging with people who often do not have a voice Research questions on: Autonomy Environment Quality of life We are reaching disabled people who do not always have a voice eg those with learning difficulties, mental health issues Disabled people ask different research questions to those often asked by academics and professionals eg: not what ‘interventions’ work but how and with what wider infrastructure does mutual, peer support improve life outcomes not how to prevent or cure dementia, but what facilitates living a good life with dementia and different themes – eg autonomy; supported rather than substitute decision-making 05/12/2018

9 What’s next? 10 research projects starting soon across all four nations DRILL partner organisation project on public and policy narratives of disability Seeking narratives of equal participation Our 4 organisations will conduct research on how best to change public and policy narratives Understanding what disabled people most want to communicate AND how those receiving messages frame and receive these messages Avoiding contradictory or ineffective campaigns eg: have we moved the concept of disabled people from ‘victims of impairment’ to ‘victims of discrimination’? Have we in a time of austerity pushed for social protection at the expense of equal participation? Seeking effective narratives of equal participation 05/12/2018

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