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Earthquakes Unit 12.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquakes Unit 12.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquakes Unit 12.2

2 sudden release of energy
Earthquake: shaking of the ground as a result of a ________________________ in Earth’s crust often occurs as a result of _________ between moving tectonic plates that builds-up ____________ about 80% of earthquakes occur in a ring bordering the _______________ the Juan de Fuca convergent plate boundary West of Vancouver Island has many earthquakes friction pressure



5 sudden release of energy
Earthquake: shaking of the ground as a result of a ________________________ in Earth’s crust often occurs as a result of _________ between moving tectonic plates that builds-up ____________ about 80% of earthquakes occur in a ring bordering the _______________ the Juan de Fuca convergent plate boundary West of Vancouver Island has many earthquakes friction pressure Pacific Ocean



8 Classification of Earthquakes
location Focus: _____________ where the pressure is finally released as an earthquake Epicenter: the point on the ____________ ____________ _________ the focus Earthquakes occur at various depths, depending on the plates involved. earthquakes at the surface usually cause _______________ surface directly above more damage Classification of Earthquakes Classification Depth of Focus Shallow Focus 0 to 70 km Intermediate Focus 70 to 300 km Deep Greater than 300 km


10 vibration source strength
Seismic wave: _______________ energy released by earthquakes can tell us the ___________ of an earthquake (where an earthquake happened) can tell us the ____________ of an earthquake source strength

11 primary wave underground solids liquids gases fastest Longitudinal wave 1st same (P wave)

12 underground secondary wave solids slower 2nd Transverse wave perpendicular to (S wave)

13 surface only solids surface wave slowest last (3rd) perpendicular to structural damage (L wave)


15 composition size faster
Seismic waves can tell us the _______________ and _________ of Earth’s interior layers since they behave differently in different materials some can travel underground they travel _________ through solids than liquids faster

16 The velocity increases
Since seismic waves travel faster through solids, this must mean that the outer core is liquid

17 L S P P mantle

18 arrival time long magnitude
Seismometer: a machine that measures and records seismic wave energy Seismograph: a graph that shows _______________ of seismic waves how __________ an earthquake lasted an earthquake’s ________________ (strength) arrival time long magnitude




22 5 min 3000 km


24 The magnitude (size) of an earthquake is the size of the line on the seismograph
The magnitude is measured by the Richter Scale an increase of ____ in magnitude = _______ stronger 1 10x 10 102 103

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