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Industry-led Apprenticeship Program

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1 Industry-led Apprenticeship Program
presents Industry-led Apprenticeship Program Dhaka | March 31, 2014

2 COEL – One stop skill solution for leather sector
Centre of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Limited ( COEL) the first legal entity of its kind in the Country. An initiative of Industry Skills Council (ISC), the apex industry body on skills development which will act as one point service centre for leather sector in relation to skill development. Vision To become a worldwide reputed Center of Excellence in serving Bangladesh Leather Sector through knowledge and skill development programs. Mission To facilitate the leather sector with required knowledge and skills for product innovation, quality and compliance.

3 Objective of COEL To operate as one stop solution for industry driven training, research, course curriculum development and other skills development events while building its own capacity through international accreditation, certification and public private partnership (PPP). To look after the policy & procedures, advocacy, and monitor industry skill development practices

4 Milestones of COEL 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

5 Our Apprenticeship Model
TVET Reform Project Industry BTEB COEL PPP Leather College DTE BMET 3 Months Industry Industry 9 months BRAC/UCEP Industry SDC PRICE

6 Apprenticeship Program
Apprenticeship Duration: Duration of the program is 01 year of which 03 months in COEL Payroll and 09 months in industry payroll. Apprentice Placement: COEL finds out the demand of skilled workers from different factories and commence enrolling trainees upon signing agreement or MoU. Performance Monitoring Mechanism: An in-charge/mentor for each batch from the respective industry supervises every trainee. Log-book of each trainee are routinely checked by the supervisor.

7 Focus for Priority Occupations
Machine Operator Sewing Lasting Cutting Supervisory Training Machine Maintenance Technician

8 Achievements of Skill Development at Different Levels
Machine Operator : 6,300+ enrolled Sewing Lasting Cutting Supervisory Training: 103 graduated and placed. Machine Maintenance Technician: 30 graduated and placed. Mid-level Management: Training on Productivity Improvement Know About Business (KAB) Design & Pattern Making Management Trainee Program Compliance For Success (CFS) ToT Program: 20 trainees on training currently. NTVQF Level 1: 22 on training ( 2 trainees from Rana Plaza Victims List)

9 Key factors that we consider and maintain for the programs
Continuous development of training modules as per the need of the industry ToT program for the teachers and factory supervisors Interview taken jointly with factory representative Trainees get selected on the basis of recruitment criteria (age, education, national ID card /birth certificate ) Pre-test, orientation and post tests Monitoring of the apprentices after placement Maintaining Log-book for each trainee

10 On-the-Job Training

11 Major Accomplishments and Way Forward
MoU signed between COEL & FDDI, India MoU signed with 11 factories Trainee enrollment: 6,300+ Strategic partnership with LFMEAB Piloting Chittagong centre with BRAC Work with ADD for developing skills for the people with disability Certified for BTEB traditional course RTO for NTVQF Level 1 (Machine Operator – Footwear) Working with Rana Plaza Coordination Cell for necessary training and placement of the victims who are interested to work in leather sector.

12 COEL Contributes Improving Productivity
Expected Program Outcomes: Higher productivity of labor force Less rejection rate for product Better growth for industry Better environment and culture Increased global competitiveness Effect of wage increase of workers can be minimized due to higher productivity of skilled manpower.

13 COEL Contributes Improving Lifestyles
COEL uplifts Lives: Increased productivity leads to better career progression; Better earning compared to semi-skilled and unskilled workers; Financial stability; Higher standard of living; More respect in community; Self discipline and practice of OHS measures bring fortunes.

14 Our Aspirations and Concerns
Bangladesh is maintaining good growth in leather sector export. It should be supported by skill development and management program as to be more competitive in the global market. As political instability is a concern for skill development program and the for the business as whole Govt. should come forward to address those issues. Role of donor agencies is highly appreciated and it should be continued and extended to further heights. The skill development programs are highly important to sustain in business in this highly competitive world, and practices of COEL can also be followed by others (even in other sectors).

15 Activities of COEL

16 Activities of COEL

17 The Key Souls of COEL Team

18 Thank you and
Please visit us at and for more information

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