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Chapter 14 Opener An unusual life history

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1 Chapter 14 Opener An unusual life history

2 Figure This X-ray of a kiwi (Apteryx) shows the bird’s enormous egg, which weighs 25 percent of the female’s body weight Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

3 Figure (A) Display by a male greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). (B) Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) are sexually monomorphic seabirds that form pair-bonds Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

4 Figure Two insects that differ in generation time and rate of increase due to a great difference in the respective ages at which reproduction begins Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

5 Figure 14.4 Adaptations based on surface-to-volume relationships
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

6 Box 14A Optimal Models: Examples

7 Box 14A, Figure 1 Optimal Models: Examples: A graphical depiction of the “best responses” of competing plants to each other’s height Evolution-2e-Box-14-A-1.jpg

8 In-text Art, Ch. 14, p. 375 Evolution-2e-ITA-14-p375-0.jpg

9 Figure 14.5 Genetic variation in life history characteristics
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

10 Figure 14.5 Genetic variation in life history characteristics (Part 1)
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

11 Figure 14.5 Genetic variation in life history characteristics (Part 2)
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

12 Figure Factors giving rise to positive or negative genetic correlations between life history traits such as survival (or growth) and reproduction Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

13 Figure Factors giving rise to positive or negative genetic correlations between life history traits such as survival (or growth) and reproduction Evolution-2e-Fig R.jpg

14 Figure The relationship between number and weight of propagules (seeds) among species of goldenrods (Solidago) suggests an allocation trade-off Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

15 Figure 14.8 Results of selection of laboratory populations of Drosophila for age at reproduction
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

16 Figure Results of selection of laboratory populations of Drosophila for age at reproduction (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

17 Figure Results of selection of laboratory populations of Drosophila for age at reproduction (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

18 Figure Reproductive effort—an index of the proportion of biomass allocated to inflorescences—in annual (semelparous) and perennial (iteroparous) species of British grasses Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

19 Figure Among species of snakes and lizards, the lower the annual mortality rate of adults, the later reproduction begins Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

20 Figure Guppy populations two environments, assayed in common-garden comparisons of second-generation laboratory-reared offspring of wild females Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

21 Figure Guppy populations two environments, assayed in common-garden comparisons of second-generation laboratory-reared offspring of wild females (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

22 Figure Guppy populations two environments, assayed in common-garden comparisons of second-generation laboratory-reared offspring of wild females (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

23 Figure The reproductive value, a measure of expected future reproductive success, of broods (Vb), their parents (Vp), and the sum (V) for great tits and Eurasian kestrels Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

24 Figure The reproductive value, a measure of expected future reproductive success, of broods (Vb), their parents (Vp), and the sum (V) for great tits and Eurasian kestrels Evolution-2e-Fig R.jpg

25 Figure 14.13 A model of density-dependent selection of rates of increase
Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

26 Figure (A) Difference in per capita population growth rate between two sets of Drosophila populations. (B) Density of two experimental populations of D. serrata increased over generations Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

27 Figure (A) Difference in per capita population growth rate between two sets of Drosophila populations Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

28 Figure 14. 14 (B) Density of two experimental populations of D
Figure (B) Density of two experimental populations of D. serrata increased over generations Evolution-2e-Fig jpg

29 Evolution-2e-Table jpg

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