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In-Utero Transfer Tracey Vanner Consultant Obstetrician

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1 In-Utero Transfer 2007 - 2011 Tracey Vanner Consultant Obstetrician
Mary Rooney Senior Midwife Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust 05/12/2018

2 Summary of RWHT Audit 2007 Local (within network/adjacent network)
82% of IUTs were local Determined by level of care required 47% determined by level of care not capacity Necessary transfers maximised 46% of IUTs resulted in a birth Unnecessary transfers minimised 74% of women in threatened PTL were discharged 05/12/2018

3 SSBC Newborn Network 05/12/2018

4 SSBC Network Prospective Audit of IUT
IUT form developed by SSBC Maternity Network Carbonated copy retained in receiving unit Process for follow up established Anonymous database held by SSBC Network RWHT commenced audit April 2009 UHNS commenced audit August 2009 05/12/2018

5 In-Utero Transfer 2007 - 2011 RWHT trends in; numbers of IUTs
outcome of IUT referring units indication for IUT and outcome IUT data for UHNS 2011

6 Trends in number of Transfers and Births RWHT

7 Births

8 Transferring Units (n)

9 Transferring Units (n)

10 Indication for IUT (%) 05/12/2018 10

11 Threatened Pre-term Labour
In % of IUTs were for PTL 74% were discharged home still pregnant FFN data not available In % of IUTs were for PTL 78% were discharged home still pregnant FFN in 50% prior to transfer (1 negative) In % of IUTs were for PTL 59% were discharged home still pregnant FFN in 76.5% prior to transfer ( 3 negative)

12 Pre-Term Premature Rupture of Membranes
29.5% of IUTs in 2011 Gestation 24 – 35 weeks 10 (84%) women gave birth 1 neonatal death 26 weeks 1 Woman transferred to another unit 1 woman discharged home 05/12/2018

13 IUGR 2011 10 (23%) IUTs for IUGR, previously <10%
Gestation weeks 9 (90%) Delivered by LSCS 1 crash CS on arrival 1 set of triplets, 2 of twins (1 MC with IUD) 2 died 05/12/2018

14 Steroids & Tocolytics 2009-11
Steroids were commenced in all cases except one in 2009 (24 weeks gestation) before transfer and the course completed before delivery where possible Tocolysis was commenced for the transfer & continued where indicated Atosiban is the main tocolytic used Nifedipine used by some units

15 IUT > 34 weeks 2 at 34 +2 35 weeks IUGR. LSCS 1.49 kg baby to NNU
IUGR took own discharge PTL, negative FFN, discharged still pregnant 35 weeks IUGR. LSCS 1.49 kg baby to NNU 2 >35 weeks PPROM kg babies NNU care not required 36+2 IUGR, hydrops. LSCS. 2.3 kg baby, NNU, NND

16 Trends in number of Transfers and Births UHNS

17 UHNS Transferring Units (n)

18 UHNS Threatened Pre-term Labour
In % of IUTs were for PTL 1 Delivered 2 outcome not documented 67% were discharged home still pregnant FFN in 78% prior to transfer ( 0 negative) 55% had tocolysis, all Atosiban All had steroids

19 Indication for IUT (n) 05/12/2018

20 UHNS 2011 - summary 24 IUT in 13 IUT out 24 to <33 weeks gestation
11 (46%) delivered All received steroids 13 IUT out 27 – 36 weeks gestation

21 Capacity 2011 Local Determined by level of care required
51.5% of IUTs were within the SSBC network 97% were within network or an adjacent network Determined by level of care required 13 IUT out from UHNS, 5 from RWHT 13 IUTs from other NNU (level 3) Trusts At least 33% were due to capacity issues

22 Summary Local (within network/adjacent network)
97% of IUTs were local compared with 82% in 2007 Determined by level of care required 33% determined by capacity compared to 53% in 2007 Necessary transfers maximised 55 % of IUTs resulted in a birth compared with 46% in 2007

23 Summary Were unnecessary transfers minimised Fetal Fibronectin
62% of women in threatened PTL were discharged compared with 74% in 2007 Fetal Fibronectin performed or not applicable in 77% . 3 IUTs still occurred despite negative test. One delivered IUTs >34 weeks 6 IUTs into RWHT (2 appropriate) 3 IUTs out of UHNS

24 Recommendations Do not transfer where FFN is negative in threatened PTL (abdominal pain without APH) Consider not transferring out above 34 weeks unless other indications such as IUGR NN transport service available 05/12/2018

25 Recommendations for the future
Audit to be continued & full completion of form encouraged Other units encouraged to participate Exception reporting audit to be added Compare findings with NN Transport audit 05/12/2018 25

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