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IEP and Self-Advocacy Review

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Presentation on theme: "IEP and Self-Advocacy Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEP and Self-Advocacy Review
IEP Baloochies! IEP and Self-Advocacy Review Ms. Held’s Super Secret Game

2 Special Education Abbreviations Parts of the IEP Self- Advocacy Disability Definitions IEP Words And Vocab How to Be Involved in Your IEP Variety $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final

3 (Specific)Learning Disabilities
LD stands for _______________. Bonus if you can tell what SLD means (Specific)Learning Disabilities A1

4 SL stands for ________________.
Speech and Language A2

5 What does the abbreviation EBD mean? Emotional Behavioral Disorder

6 What does OHI stand for ______________________.
Other Health Impairment. A4

7 CD stand for what disability?
Cognitive Disability. A5

8 accommodations student gets.
This page of the IEP tells us ______. What modifications/ accommodations student gets. B1

9 Is to know what you need to work on and have a plan to get there
B2 The purpose of having goals in an IEP is… Is to know what you need to work on and have a plan to get there B2

10 This page is called _______. It tells us _____.
The transition page and it tells students interests and future plans B3

11 The present level of performance (PLOP) page tells someone
______________. Telling how the student is doing right now, strengths, parent concerns, student comments, and whether or not the student has special factors B4

12 Slide 13 DOUBLE SCORE!!!!!!

13 What date of the IEP, purpose of the meeting, and who is attending
This is the cover page. What three important things can you find. What date of the IEP, purpose of the meeting, and who is attending B5

14 Self-Advocacy is… The ability to say what your needs, interests, and rights are, and to be involved in your IEP C1

15 C2 Self Advocacy is important because it helps you …
. Understand what you need to do well and have a say with your IEP and education C2

16 Three ways to practice self-advocacy are
___________. Writing your IEP, participating/talking during your IEP meeting, and sharing about your needs and disability with all your teachers C3

17 Your parents or special education teacher
If you are having a problem that is IEP related you should see ________________. Your parents or special education teacher C4

18 Situation: You are in an elective class and have a test
Situation: You are in an elective class and have a test. How can you be a self advocate in that class? Tell the teacher you are allowed to take the test in the special education room and try to tell the special ed. Teacher ahead of time. C5

19 These are the characteristics/ definition of a learning disability.
Average or above intelligence, learn differently in areas such as reading, writing, spelling, math, organization, social skills, processing information and comprehension D1

20 Emotional Behavioral Differences
This disability is described as showing inappropriate behavior or feelings, unable to control actions, has fears, or moods of unhappiness. Emotional Behavioral Differences D2

21 D3 This disability is for people who have problems remembering information, trouble making sounds/words, and stuttering. Also could have trouble with vocabulary and directions. Speech and Language D3

22 The term disability/difference means
_________________. Someone who learns in a different way and may need extra help in certain areas D4

23 What are the characteristics of
D5 What are the characteristics of Someone with OHI? Frequent health issues, ADHD, epilepsy, heart condition, etc that effects students performance in school D5

24 Individual Education Plan
IEP stands for _________________. Individual Education Plan E1

25 E2 This helps you by changing an assignment (ex: changing or doing less problems on an assignment A modification E2

26 What is the transition part
of the IEP? Helping you to prepare to move from JH to HS or HS to the real world – looking ahead at your future E3

27 E4    What does PLOP stand for in the IEP and what does it tell you?                                                   Present Level of Performance – tells people how you are doing on your goals and in school right now E4

28 There are two parts to each goal. What are the two parts?
Annual (big goal) and short term objective (benchmark) E5

29 What are three of the most important thing you can do to be involved in your IEP?
Helping to write your IEP, asking for your modifications when needed, and attending your IEP meeting.

30 What are your responsibilities in the IEP process and in your education?
To only use the modification when they are needed, not abusing the help I receive, asking for help on my own, and helping in the IEP process

31 You should do this to be involved in your IEP again next year ___________________.
Talk to your special education teacher and tell him/her you want to be involved

32 If you don’t need modifications and the teacher offers them to you, you should _________________.
Let them know that you want to try this one on your own and will let them know if you need help (in a polite way)

33 What are the Multiple Intelligences
Body, Number, Self, Picture, Word, People, Music, and Nature Smarts are examples of what? What are the Multiple Intelligences

34 Your learning style tells you ____________.
What is the way(s) you learn best


36 The course/class selection sheet in the IEP is important because _____________________.
It helps you to plan for your future and make sure to take classes that will help you with a future job

37 The difference between a modification and an accommodation is _________________.
That modifications are things that are changed, while accommodations are something extra you are given

38 The people who are involved in your IEP are (must list 4) ________________.
Teachers, parents, special education teachers, myself, and anyone else I want there

39 Autism is ______________.
A disability in the area of communication, social skills, and sometimes, life skills

40 What are 5 areas that goals can be in?
Behavior, speech and language, reading, writing, math, social skills, study skills

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