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Social and Historical Context

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1 Social and Historical Context
A View From the Bridge

2 Sicily. The story of the play revolves around the clash of Sicilian style justice and the American legal system. The characters believe that the only way to resolve their issues with each other is through violence and the restoration of their ‘Honour’.

3 America: At this point in time America was the only country undamaged by WWII and was enjoying a period of intense prosperity. Many immigrants were attempting to enter the country to ‘Live the American Dream’ and gain wealth. Many however could not make it in and smuggling people into the country became rampant during the 1950s

4 Italy. Italy had just been badly damaged by the Second World War and was still trying to recover. Very few jobs were available and many immigrants left the country. Most were from the south, in Sicily leading to Rodolfo, with a northern appearance to be labelled a ‘Dane’.


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