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Contributions of CAeM to WMO DPM Programme

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1 Contributions of CAeM to WMO DPM Programme

2 Terms of Reference for CAeM
Applications of Meteorology to Aviation Study of User Requirements International Standardization of Services delivered to aviation Observations made by aircraft Data requirements (basic, operational, climate) Aviation and the Environment Training of personnel (providers and users)

3 Seven Priority Areas of WMO DPM Programme to Strengthen Contributions of Meteorological and Hydrological Services to Disaster Risk Management Mainstreaming NMHS’ services in national disaster risk management plans supported by legislation Provision of meteorological, hydrological and climate-related hazard monitoring, databases and analysis => Risk Identification (historical and real-time) Provision of operational hazard early detection and warnings (next hour to longer climate timeframes) Provision of meteorological services for pre- and post-disaster response and relief operations Education and training programmes with stakeholders (risk management authorities, emergency operators, media, etc.) Public outreach programmes and materials Strengthened partnership with other agencies involved in disaster risk management

4 Structure of CAeM

5 Contributing to Priority Area 3: and Area 4:
Pilot Project for RA II Contributing to Priority Area 3: Operational Hazard Early Detection and Area 4: Meteorological Services for pre-and post-disaster response and relief operations Focussed on Early Warnings of Tropical Cyclones Early planning of schedules and movements Implementation of specialized information and breifings for relief operations by fixed-wind and helicopter ops

6 Special Implementation Project for Small Island Developing States
SIDS particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, ranging from volcanic eruptions to tsunamis and tropical cyclones Aviation only viable short-term means to provide relief and recovery Need to overcome existing deficiencies Close cooperation with ICAO Areas addressed again 3 and 4

7 WMO DPM Crosscutting Framework (Disaster Risk Management)
Strategic Partnerships User Driven Coordination DPM Focal Points Technical Commissions CAeM Scientific and Technical Innovation Regional DPM Working Groups DPM Focal Points DPM Focal Points Regional Associations & Regional Committees Programmes Departments NMHS Regional Issues & Activities Coordination Capacity Building Education and Training USERS (Disaster Risk Management)

8 CAeM Strategic Partnerships
Other WMO Programmes /bodies: WWW Tropical Cyclone Programme WMO Space programme VCP Regional Associations Other UN agencies ICAO HQ ICAO Regional Office TCAC VAAC others as appropriate

9 CAeM Contributions to 7 Priority Areas of WMO DPM Programme
Project areas of DPM CAeM Contributions ET/Lead Mainstreaming NMHS services in national disaster risk management plans Coordination with aeronautical met services New services Hazard monitoring, databases and analysis => Risk Identification (historical and forward looking analysis of trends) Extended warning periods for severe weather Future Service Planning Operational hazard early detection and warnings (next hour to longer climate timeframes) TCAC, VAAC, MWO Meteorological services for pre- and post-disaster response and relief operations Pilot Project RA II Education and training programmes with stakeholders (risk management authorities, emergency operators, media) Inclusion of DRR in training curricula Et Trainign and Education Public outreach programmes and materials -

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