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Status and Plans of the Spanish ATLAS

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1 Status and Plans of the Spanish ATLAS
TIER-2 ( ES-ATLAS-T2) WORKSHOP on ‘GRID Computing and e-Science: Data Analysis of ATLAS Experiment and Medical Physics’ Tier2 Team: G. Amorós, A. Fernández, S. González de la Hoz, A. Lamas, E. Oliver, J. Salt, J. Sánchez, M. Villaplana Presented by : José F. Salt Cairols 4-6 th October 2010

2 Overview 1.- The Spanish ATLAS Tier-2
2.- The Role of the ES-ATLAS-T2 within the ATLAS Computing Model 3.- Response of the ES-ATLAS-T2 at the start of LHC 4.- The ES-ATLAS –T2 and the Integration of the Morocco’s Tier-3 5.- Conclusions and perspectives

3 1.- The Spanish ATLAS TIER-2
The ATLAS distributed TIER-2 is conceived as a Computing Project for ATLAS experiment. Its main goals are: Enable Physics Analysis for all ATLAS Users and, in particular, for the Spanish ATLAS users Continuous production of ATLAS MC events To contribute to ATLAS + LHC Computing Common Tasks Sustainable growth of infrastructure according to the scheduled ATLAS ramp-up and stable operation To provide the User Support for the Spanish ATLAS physicists List of ‘Tier-2’ related projects in chronological order: ‘Acción Especial’ ( ) LCG- oriented project ( ) ATLAS Tier-2 project (Development & construction): (2 years) ATLAS Tier-2 project (phase I): ( 3 years ) ATLAS Tier-2 project (phase II): (3 years) I + D Service Infrast. Recently awarded

4 IFAE UAM IFIC 14 FTE CPU = 10.400 HS06 Disk = 1045TBytes
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid) Instituto de Física de Altas Energías (Barcelona) Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Valencia) IFAE Deployed Equipment: CPU = HS06 Disk = 1045TBytes UAM IFIC Human Resources: 14 FTE (as of Sept. 2010)

5 Update of the CPD 2009 has been a tough year:
IFIC a big update of the CPD Present view of the IFIC CPD Details of the Renovation work of the IFIC CPD (June 2009) Based in SUN X X4540 LUSTRE V1.8 View of the Storage Resources


7 Table : List of the active Tier-2 personnel and the commitments (as of 31 May 2010)
The underlined names are payed by the project funds Names with asterisc(s) are contracted by the Program of Support Techician (Tecnico de Apoyo). A. Lamas is not included in the Scientific members of the project


9 Framing the Tier-2 project in ATLAS
UAM: Construction and Commissioning of the ATLAS Electromagnetic End Cap Calorimeter. Calibration of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter. ATLAS Physics: Higgs search through 4 leptons decay mode IFIC: Construction and Commissioning of the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal) Construction and Commissioning of the ATLAS SCT-Fwd. Alignment of the Inner Detector ATLAS Physics: b tagging algorithms for event selection; MC studies of different process beyond SM ( Exotics, SUSY, Little Higgs and Extra Dimensions models); Top Physics, Higgs Searches. IFAE: Construction and Commissioning of ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal) Development and Deployment of the ATLAS High Level Trigger: second level Tau trigger software, operation (Event Filter Farm); commisioning of event selection software, tau & jet trigger. ATLAS Physics: TileCal Calibration, Reconstruction and Calibration of Jet/Tau/Missing Transverse Energy, SUSY searches, Standard Model processes, Charged Higgs.

10 2.- The role of the ES-ATLAS-T2 within the ATLAS Computing Model
> 90% Reliability = Uptime / (Total time - Scheduled Downtime - Time_status_was_UNKNOWN) Prob (1 site down) ≈ 0.05 Prob (3 sites down) ≈ = Availability = Uptime / (Total time - Time_status_was_UNKNOWN)

11 Evolution of the T2 Resources

12 Estimated resources since 2010 onwards (numbers are cumulative):
Evolution of ALL ATLAS T-2 including the pledged already delivered plus the Estimated resources since 2010 onwards (numbers are cumulative): Año 2010 2011 2012 2013 CPU(HS06) 240000 278000 295000 342200 Disk (TB) 20900 37600 44000 66000 Spanish ATLAS T-2 assuming a contribution of a 5% to the whole effort: New Project Pledges Año 2010 2011 2012 2013 CPU(HS06) 12000 13900 14750 17110 Disk (TB) 1045 1880 2200 3300 2012: Preliminary Estimates Prov. By ATLAS 2013: Preliminary Estimated By us 2010: Official requirements 2011: Official requirements

13 ES-ATLAS-T2 Activity Groups:
SA: System Administrators CO: Cloud and T2 Operation T3 : Support T3 US: User Support AT: ATLAS Computing Tasks PM: Operation and Project Management User Support (US) The number of ATLAS end-users is ramping-up fast Physicists have different profiles T2 project provide the Support to he Spanish ATLAS end-users The US include: Certificates, Submit jobs File transfer Answer questions about ATLAS Software To solve problems using the T2 and T3 infrastructure To organize tutorials

14 Support to T3 The same T2 sites host the ATLAS physicists who need an infrastructure to perform the last stages of the Physics Analysis Experience of the T2 staff is being used to build and maintain such an infrastructure (Tier3) in a proper way to fullfill the requirements The technical work includes the design and maintainance of a storage system, of a GRID-type computing facility and of a system for paralles processing ( like PROOF) All these systems must be compatible with the T2

15 3.- The Response of the ES-ATLAS-T2 at the start of LHC

16 Distributed Analysis Analysis on collision events performed on the ES-T2 resources fall in two categories: Detector and Combined performance Physics Analysis Typical Analysis First stage is to submit a job to the Grid (Distributed analysis) The output files will be stored in the corresponding Tier2 storage Later the output files can be retrieved for a further analysis on the local facilities of the institute. ATLAS distributed analysis in the ES-T2 Two front-ends were used: Ganga and Panda Differ in the way they interact with the user and the Grid resources

17 Data Management Tier0 CERN Tier1 10 centers Tier2 several centers
Raw 3 replicas Raw ESD ESD 10 replicas dESD AOD AOD 13 replicas dAOD

18 Access to the data Jobs run where the data are located.
Tier2 Jobs run where the data are located. User can ask for a replica in other site. Dataset Job Tier2 'A' DaTRI Dataset Tier2 'B' Replica Job

19 Detector and combined performance
ATLAS Analysis Types Tier1/2 Analysis with different inputs Output from storage site to user local facility (DQ2 or DaTRI) Raw ESD dESD Job Ntuple Ntuple Ntuple Detector and combined performance Tier1/2 AOD dAOD Job DPD DPD Physics Analysis

20 4.- The ES-ATLAS-T2 and the integration of the Morocco’s T3 (Mo-T3)
From the point of view of the Infrastructure: to establish and maintain a Tier-3 in Morocco supported by CNRST The NREN is also maintained by the CNSRT (Marwan) Period of task identification (February-June 2010). it is a stand-alone T3 with important differences wrt the IFIC Tier-3 Steps in the integration of the Morocco’s T3 Evaluation of the usage of the Morocco’s T3 Memorandum of understanding for the collaboration between the ES-ATLAS-T2 snd the M-T3 To ask for the inclusion of the M.T3 in the ToA To check the advantages obtained

21 5 Tier-2 Tier-1 small desktops RAL centres portables IN2P3 Tier-3 FNAL
USC NIKHEF Krakow Legnaro IFAE Taipei TRIUMF IFIC UAM UB IFCA CIEMAT MSU Prague Budapest Cambridge Tier-1 small centres desktops portables RAL IN2P3 Tier-3 FNAL CNAF FZK PIC ICEPP BNL UAM-T3 UAM-T3 IFIC-T3 IFAE-T3 Morocco-T3 5

22 Main objective: to include the Morocco T3 in the ‘Tiers of ATLAS’:
‘Tiers of ATLAS’: Joint effort for managing the ATLAS DDM (Distributed Data Management) for the Tiers of ATLAS (ToA). The ToA describes all storages used for reading and writing ATLAS official data, their properties, transfer tools, local catalogues as well as the topology and associations between sites. Data transfer and data access To take profit of DDM Procedure To finish the process: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) To have the green light from Spanish Authorities To inform PiC (Spanish Tier-1) evaluation and inclusion in the ‘Tiers of ATLAS list’ Requirements for ATLAS Computing : space tokens (MCDisk, DATAdisk) See example of Valparaiso To add the M-T3 to the ToA list

23 5.- Conclusions and Perspectives From the Tier-2 Project point of view
This project falls entirely within the period of ATLAS as an running experiment Changes to a more ‘transversal operative point of view’ The Transition from Operational mode with Simulated Data to the Real Data Operational mode has been completed . It works without major problems Strong improvement of reliability/availability Infrastructure: Strengthen monitoring, to optimize the access to LUSTRE and dCACHE Computing shifts and Core Computing tasks are becoming a no-negligeble task (an activity task devoted to this activity) User Support: more effort is needed to get a more efficient system Distributed Analysis: the present status is not ‘the end of the story’, DA is evolving. Interactive Analysis: to provide a stable PROOF facility Perspectives The follow-up expressed in the conclusions Sustainability of the Infrastructure: Resource Renewal, personnel, … WLCG interaction/framework in the NGI and EGI (?)

24 From the Rabat-Valencia Collaboration point of vieW:
CONCLUSIONS: We are delayed wrt the previous plans in the ATLAS GRID collaboration management side; Emphasis has been in HEP and Medical Physics interaction between our two groups : Very positive synergy! HEP and Medical Physics have very good scientific outcomes From the e-Science point of view a large scope has been obtained and it is OK!! PERSPECTIVES: … we need to speed up the process to include the Morocco’s T3 in the ToA list and this achievement will give us a better interplay between our institutions Non-presential meetings (video or audioconference) will be needed to discuss the evolution of the T3-T2 issues -

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