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Review for Matter Test Chapters 1-3.

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1 Review for Matter Test Chapters 1-3

Element Compound Mixture Solution Are the parts identical or different? identical different Chemically or physically combined? Chemically (simplest) Chemically Physically Are the components in fixed amounts or any amounts? Fixed amounts Any amounts How do the properties of the end product differ from the properties of the parts that make it up? Begin = end Begin ≠ end Each keeps its own identity Three Examples Iron, copper, mercury Water, table salt, DNA Soil, sea water, cereal, pizza Coffee, tea, kool-aid MATTER VISUAL ORGANIZER


4 TEST REVIEW Chapter One
Understand the steps of the scientific method and be able to talk about the various parts of an experiment. Know the vocabulary words that we went over (hypothesis, independent variable….) Be familiar with the obvious safety precautions and equipment. TEST REVIEW

5 TEST REVIEW Chapter Two
3. List and define the six main metric prefixes. 4. Be able to make metric conversions with and without dimensional analysis. 5. Be able to calculate percent error. 6. Be able to distinguish between accuracy and precision. 7. Be able to convert numbers to scientific notation and vice versa. 8. Be able to determine the accurate number of significant figures in a measurement 9. Be able to round off to the correct number of significant digits. TEST REVIEW

6 TEST REVIEW Chapter Three
10. Describe the physical properties of matter. 11. Know the difference between extensive and intensive physical properties. 12. Be able to calculate density. 13. Describe physical and chemical changes. 14. Be able to identify a chemical or physical change. 15. Define the classes of matter (heterogeneous and homogeneous; element, mixture, solution, and compound) 16. Be able to identify a substance by its class (element, mixture, and compound). 17. Know different techniques used to separate a mixture 18. State the law of conservation of mass. TEST REVIEW

7 TEST FORMAT Two short answer about lab safety 3 dimensional analysis
10 sci. notation, sigfigs, and rounding 3 density and percent error problems 4 short answer on scientific method and testable questions. 5 questions on classes of matter 6 questions on physical/chemical properties and physical/chemical changes YOU NEED A CALCULATOR TEST FORMAT

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