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CHE116 Introduction CHE116.

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Presentation on theme: "CHE116 Introduction CHE116."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHE116 Introduction CHE116

2 Topics Syllabus, experiment schedule, supp. packet
Inventory of student drawers Safety items and contract Calibration scales Scientific method and assignment CHE116

3 Safety Concerns Additional safety concerns that were not mentioned on the safety contract will be discussed using another PowerPoint file. CHE116

4 Calibration Scales Know how to read the calibration marks on a piece of calibrated glassware and determine: the correct number of significant figures the correct volume reading RCBC YouTube video for practice CHE116

5 Graduated Cylinder 10 mL and 100 mL sizes are most common
0.0 mL when empty, mL when full (or mL when full) In General: Find difference between numbered tick marks Use the un-numbered tick marks between the two numbered marks, count the number of jumps from one numbered mark to the other Determine what each un-numbered mark is worth Estimate one digit beyond the un-numbered tick marks (this is the last significant digit for the volume) Read the volume, using the correct number of significant figures CHE116

6 Graduated Cylinder (in student drawer)

7 SF and Volume Reading Difference between numbered calibration tick marks: 8 mL – 7 mL = 1 mL There are 9 un-numbered tick marks between the 7 and 8 marks (10 jumps from 7 to 8) Each un-numbered tick mark is worth: 1 mL / 10 jumps = 0.1 mL per jump Estimate one digit beyond un-numbered mark 0.1? mL (use 2 digits after decimal point for SF, . _ _ mL) CHE116

8 Read a Volume with Correct SF
10 mL graduated cylinder (use 2 SF after decimal point for volume reading) Read volume at the bottom of meniscus, at eye level More than 7, less than 8 7.? ? mL 7.5 ? mL 7.53 mL CHE116

9 Scientific Method Scientific method PowerPoint
MythBusters assignment: Watch one episode from Season 4 and explain which parts of the episode correspond to the different steps of the scientific method. DVDs are on reserve at the Mt. Laurel library; 30 episodes on 6. Current student ID with library barcode, headphones needed in computer area. CHE116

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