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Fall of Roman Republic Rise of Roman Empire

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1 Fall of Roman Republic Rise of Roman Empire

2 Julius Caesar In 60 BCE, he became a important military leader
Joined forces with 2 people Crassus  a wealthy Roman Pompey  a popular general With their help, Julius was elected into consul in 59 BCE.

3 For the next 10 years, those 3 men ruled Rome as a Triumvirate
Triumvirate  a group of 3 leaders After his 1 year term as consul; Julius Caesar became Governor of Gaul Led his army on several successful campaigns Due to this, Gaul grew to become what is present-day northern Italy, France, Belgium, western Switzerland, and parts of the Netherlands and Germany.

4 Julius Caesar won his men’s loyalty & devotion.
Meanwhile Crassus will die, & Pompey will become very jealous of Caesar’s popularity. Julius and Pompey will lead Rome into a civil war which Julius will eventually win.

5 In 46 BCE, Caesar will be appointed Dictator by the senate.
Later Caesar will be given the title: Dictator for Life. Even though he was absolute ruler, he did bring reforms for the people. Absolute Ruler  has total power

6 Julius Caesar’s Reforms
Granted citizenship for people in provinces. Expanded the senate  adding friends & supporters from Italy & other regions Created jobs for the poor. Started colonies where people without land could now own land. Began to pay soldiers.

7 Senators became jealous of Caesar.
Marcus Brutus & Gaius Cassius plotted his assassination. March 15, 44 BCE  Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in the senate chamber. Day also known as The Ides of March His death caused a Civil War throughout Rome. Rome never recovered.

8 After Julius Caesar’s death, civil war destroyed the Roman Republic.
3 of Caesar’s supporters banded together to crush the assassins. 1. Octavian – 18 yrs old, was Caesar’s adopted son. 2. Mark Antony – general 3. Lepidus – powerful politician 43 BCE  2nd Triumvirate

9 Their alliance ended in jealousy & violence
Octavian forced Lepidus to retire. Octavian became enemies with Lepidus. While leading an army in Anatolia, Mark Antony met Queen Cleopatra of Egypt and fell in love. Went to Egypt with her. Octavian accused Antony of plotting a way to rule Rome from Egypt.

10 Another Civil War erupted. Octavian Wars
Octavian vs. Antony & Cleopatra Ended at the Battle of Actium  31 BCE Later both Antony & Cleopatra commit suicide Octavian becomes the unchallenged ruler of Rome Changes name to Augustus  “exalted One” Rome was now an empire ruled by one man 27 BCE

11 For the next 200 years, Rome was ruled by various emperors.
Period where piece reigned throughout the empire Known as Pax Romana  “Roman Peace” Rome statistics during this time: 3 million square miles 60 to 80 million people 1 million people lived in the city of Rome itself

12 Diocletian In 284 AD, Diocletian became the new emperor.
He was a harsh ruler but he did restore order and doubled the size of the Roman army and tried to fight inflation by setting prices for food.

13 Empire grew under Diocletian’s rule, and he decided it was too big for just one man to rule.
Divided the empire into 2 sections in 285 AD.

14 2 sections Greek-Speaking East Greece Anatolia Syria Egypt
Latin-Speaking West Italy Gaul Britain Spain

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