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Current status of run14 VTX alignment

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1 Current status of run14 VTX alignment
Taebong Moon Yonsei Univ./RIKEN June 16th 2014

2 Purpose of VTX alignment
Darren’s plots One of most important variable is DCA for charm/bottom separation and other heavy flavor measurements. Two top figures show strange behavior of DCA distribution. The reason is that …

3 The 1st reason VTX W/E and DCH W/E have their own coordinate systems.
They are different from each other. Related to coordinate offset calibration O(VTXEAST) O(VTXWEST) O(DCHWEST)

4 The 2nd reason Ideal location of ladders is different from real location of ladders. Related to VTX ladder by ladder alignment. Sasha’s plots

5 When should we do VTX DCH As shown top table,
Have to do VTX to CNT (coordinate) offset calibration 8 times between Mar 14th and Mar 19th, Mar 19th and Apr 2nd, something like this. Have to do VTX East to West (coordinate) offset calibration and ladder by ladder alignment one time. HISTORY: CARRIAGE MOIVING: SHIFT MEETING:

6 Coordinate offset calibration
Have finished the calibration. Will explain how to do the calibration step by step. Before matching coordinate, calculate “VTX to CNT” and “VTX EAST to WEST” offsets using zero-field data. O(VTXEAST) O(VTXWEST) EastToWest offset O(DCHWEST) VTXToCNT offset

7 The 1st step: Beam center
Calculate beam center in their own coordinate systems using zero-field data. BC by VTXE in VTXE internal coordinate Beam Center (reference point) O(VTXEAST) BC by VTXW in VTXW internal coordinate O(VTXWEST) BC by DCHW in DCHW internal coordinate O(DCHWEST)

8 Step 1-1. Beam center in VTX W/E coordinate

9 DCA0 formula for fitting
DCA0 can be represented by beamcenter. For fitting, DCA0 = Xbeam sin φb - Ybeam cos φ b 𝝋𝒃=𝒕𝒂𝒏 −𝟏 ( 𝒚𝟏−𝒚𝟎 𝒙𝟏−𝒙𝟎 ) Before fitting, DCA0 as a function of 𝜑𝑏 should be known. (x1, y1) Y Beam center (xbeam, ybeam) (x0, y0) DCA0 from O (VTXW/E) 𝝋𝒃 X O (VTXW/E) This is calculated in VTX internal coordinate

10 DCA0 formula for data point
By using position of hits in B0 , we can know DCA0 for data point. |𝑫𝑪𝑨𝟎|= 𝒅 𝒙 •𝒅 𝒙 −| 𝒖 •𝒅 𝒙 || 𝒖 •𝒅 𝒙 | 𝒅 𝒙 =(𝒙𝟎,𝒚𝟎 𝒖 =(𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝝋 𝒃 ,𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝝋 𝒃 𝝋𝒃=𝒕𝒂𝒏 −𝟏 ( 𝒚𝟏−𝒚𝟎 𝒙𝟏−𝒙𝟎 ) (x1, y1) O (VTXW/E) (x0, y0) Beam center (xbeam, ybeam) Y 𝒖 •𝒅 𝒙 𝒅 𝒙 𝒖 =(𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝝋 𝒃 ,𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝝋 𝒃 DCA0 from O (VTXW/E) 𝝋𝒃 X This is calculated in VTX internal coordinate

11 Beam center by VTX : fit DCA0 vs Фb
Plot 2-D distribution of DCA0 vs 𝜑 𝑏 . Do Fitting using below function. - DCA0 = par[0]sin Фb + par[1]cos Фb - par[0] = XBC = 0 - par[1] = YBC = 0 After fitting, it return beamcenter in the VTX West coordinate. - par[0] = E-4 - par[1] = E-5 Parameters should not be fixed Those will be used as initial parameters for next fitting. ZEROFDATA_P00_ _000(0~19).PRDFF Run Number : Energy : 200 GeV Number of events : 1.315M

12 Beam center by VTX : background reduction
Before 2nd iteration, let’s eliminate background. Calculate DCA0 - par[0]sin Фb - par[1]cos Фb. par[0] = par[1] = Fitting function. 𝑦= 𝐴 2𝜋𝜎 exp(− 𝑥−𝜇 𝜎 2 )+𝐶 Get σ from fitting. Apply 5-sigma cut - lDCA0 - par[0]sin Фb - par[1]cos Фbl < 5σ DCA0 - par[0]sin Фb - par[1]cos Фb

13 Beam center by VTX : refit DCA0 vs Фb
Plot 2-D distribution of DCA0 vs 𝜑 𝑏 again. Fit function again. - DCA0 = par[0]sin Фb +par[1]cos Фb - par[0] = E-5 - par[1] = E-5 Final result. - par[0] = Xoffset = E-5 cm - par[1] = -Yoffset = E-5 cm

14 Step 1-2. Beam center in DCH W/E coordinate

15 Beam center by DCH Due to DCH offset, α is not 0 and represented by following formula. α O (DCHWEST) = (Xoffset, Yoffset) O (0, 0) DCH offset 𝛼=− 𝑋 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑅 𝐷𝐶 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙+ 𝑌 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑅 𝐷𝐶 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 DCH West Arm Ф

16 Beam center by DCH : how to?
Extract α and Ф from data. Plot α and Ф. Fit function: α = par[0]*sin Ф + par[1]*cos Ф par[0] = -Xoffset/R & par[1] = Yoffset/R Apply cuts to reduce noise. Quality = 31 or 63 -75 < zed < 75cm -.012<emcdphi<.008 -6<emcdz<10 ecore>0 .1<pc3dphi<.1 -.01<alpha<.01 -1.5<phi<1.5 Re-fit again.

17 Beam center by DCH_W : how to?
Runnumber = As α is closed to 0 and flat as a function of φ, fitting is better. 𝑿 𝑫𝑪_𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒔𝒆𝒕 =−𝟎.𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟔𝟏𝟗𝒄𝒎 𝒀 𝑫𝑪_𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒔𝒆𝒕 =𝟎.𝟎𝟔𝟒𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟓𝒄𝒎

18 Step 2: Coordinate offsets
VTX West beam center = ( cm, cm) VTX East beam center = ( cm, cm) DCH West beam center = ( cm, cm) EastToWestOffset = (WEST) – (EAST) = ( cm, cm) VTXToCNT Offset = (CNT) – (VTX) = ( cm, cm) BC by VTXE in VTXE internal coordinate Relative positions can be calculated if we know BCs in their own internal coordinates. Beam Center (reference point) O(VTXEAST) BC by VTXW in VTXW internal coordinate O(VTXWEST) EastToWest offset BC by DCHW in DCHW internal coordinate O(DCHWEST) VTXToCNT offset

19 Step 3: Beam center & fine tune offset
First, In production (Fun4All_VTX) macro, let’s use beam center and offset parameters by 0-field data corresponding to physics data we are using. SvxParManager *svxpar = new SvxParManager(); svxpar->set_ReadGeoParFromFile(1); svxpar->set_GeometryFileName("svxPISA.par"); svxpar->set_OffsetVtxToCnt( , ,0.0); Svxpar->set_OffsetEastToWest( , ,0.0); svxpar->set_BeamCenter( , ); Parameters from 0-field run :

20 Step 3: Beam center & fine tune offset
First, In production (Fun4All_VTX) macro, let’s use beam center and offset parameters by 0-field data corresponding to physics data we are using. Let’s shift mean of gaussian function to 0 by doing iteration. SvxParManager *svxpar = new SvxParManager(); svxpar->set_ReadGeoParFromFile(1); svxpar->set_GeometryFileName("svxPISA.par"); svxpar->set_OffsetVtxToCnt( par 1st, par 1st ,0.0 + par 1st ); Svxpar->set_OffsetEastToWest( par 1st , par1st ,0.0 + par 1st); svxpar->set_BeamCenter( par 1st, par 1st); New parameter = old parameter from 0-field run + mean value from gaussian fitting (1st iteration)

21 Resolution of DCA

22 Summary. Have finished coordinate offset calibration.
Doing VTX ladder by ladder alignment with Hidemitsu.

23 Backup slides



26 Step 3 : Offset fine tune using physics data
Data set: Physic (field-on) data Macro: Fun4All_VTX.C for production read_evttree_mkpara_richcut_new0.C read_evttree_mkpara_ver2.h draw_mkpara_richcut.C Source: Beam center & EastToWest offset calibration Alignment ladder by ladder in φ , z and r Didn’t get final results for beam center & fine tune offsets calib yet. -> show you test results.

27 Introduction to calibration
Alignment 1st STEP Alignment 2nd STEP BeamCenter STEP

28 The 1st step: Beam center
Calculate beam center in their own coordinate systems. BC by VTXE in VTXE internal coordinate = (-2mm, 1mm) Relative positions can be calculated if we know BCs in their own internal coordinates. Beam Center (reference point) O(VTXEAST) BC by VTXW in VTXW internal coordinate = (1mm, 2mm) O(VTXWEST) EastToWest offset = (1+2mm, 2-1mm) BC by DCHW in DCHW internal coordinate = (-2mm, 4mm) O(DCHWEST) VTXToCNT offset = (-2-1mm, 4-2mm)

29 Brief story for 1st step: Coordinate Offset Calib
Data set: 0-field run Macro: OnCal_Svxoffset_zerof_CNT.C Source: SvxOffsetCal.C/h & manual_DCHcalib.C Check run & detector status Hot and dead map Beam center by VTX VTX EastToWest offset Beam center by DCH VTXToCNT offset Status: 1st step, coordinate calibration w/o hot and dead map for 9 zero-field runs on run-by-run basis, done. It should be re-done w/ hot & dead map. If ladder by ladder calib continually failed, long iteration need to be done again. But it is unusual. For VTX offset For DCH offset Those parameters used for VTX ladder by ladder alignment Ladder by Ladder Calib

30 2) Alignment Ladder by Ladder in φ and z

31 Brief story for 1st step: Coordinate Offset Calib
Data set: 0-field run Location: /direct/phenix+hhj/tmoon/vtx/calibration/offset/offsetRun14HEAuAu200v1/macros-scripts/ /direct/phenix+hhj/tmoon/vtx/calibration/offset/offsetRun14HEAuAu200v1/macros-scripts/online/calibration/onlcal/subsystems/svx /direct/phenix+hhj/tmoon/vtx/calibration/offset/offsetRun14HEAuAu200v1/macros-scripts/online/calibration/onlcal/subsystems/svx/macros Macro: OnCal_Svxoffset_zerof_CNT.C Source: SvxOffsetCal.C/h & manual_DCHcalib.C

32 Brief story for 2nd step: VTX L by L alignment.
Data set: field-on run Location: offline/analysis/svxalignment/ offline/analysis/svxalignment/work/dphiplot/read_evttree_mkpara_richcut_new0.C&read_evttree_mkpara_ver2.h offline/analysis/svxalignment/work/dphiplot/draw_mkpara_richcut.C offline/analysis/svxalignment/work/adjustGeom.C&adjustGeom.h /direct/phenix+hhj2/tmoon/align/offline/analysis/svxalignment Macro: Fun4All_VTX.C Source:

33 Feb. 14: East carriage moved into run position, ready for physics.
Feb. 18: Zero-field runs and with a total of ~780k events. Feb. 19: Access, East carriage moved out and in. Feb. 20: Zero-field run with a total of ~590k events. Feb. 24: Access and move of East carriage out and in. Feb. 24: Zero-field run , , , , , with a total of ~3M events. Note: extended runs because of possible timing shift. Mar. 05: Access (maintenance day) and move of East and West Carriage. Mar. 08: Zero-field runs , , , , with a total of ~1.4M events. Mar. 11: End of LE run, maintenance day, East carriage moved. ----- Mar. 15: 200 GeV Au+Au, Zero-field runs , , with a total of ~13M events. Mar. 19: West carriage moved, Zero-field run with ~1.5M events Apr. 02: East/West carriage moved, Zero-field run with a total of ~ 2M events. Apr. 04: East carriage moved, Zero-field run with about 2M events. Apr. 16: West carriage moved, Zero-field run with about 9M events. Apr. 25: West carriage moved, Zero-field run with about 11M events. Apr. 30: West carriage moved, Zero-field runs , with about 2.5M events. May 05: West carriage moved, Zero-field run with about 8.8M events. May 12: East carriage moved, Zero-field runs , , , and with about 7.5M events. May 14: East carriage moved, Zero-field run with about 3.8M events. May 28: East and West carriage moved, Zero-field run to be performed.

34 VTX W/E Beamcenter

35 DCH W/E Beamcenter

36 CNT East To West

37 VTX To CNT Offset

38 VTX East To West

39 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





44 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





49 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





54 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





59 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





64 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





69 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





74 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





79 0-field Run 14 AuAu 200 GeV





84 2) Hot and dead map If there is hot and dead map in the DB, it will be downloaded automatically. can check whether if hot and dead map was properly applied to calculation or not by looking at error massages.

85 Purpose Before trying alignment, need offsets as parameters of each period for correction. OffsetVtxToCnt = DCH_West_beamcenter – VTX_West_beamcenter OffsetEastToWest = VTX_West_beamcenter – VTX_East_beamcenter BeamCenter = DCH_West_beamcenter EXAMPLE SvxParManager *svxpar = new SvxParManager(); svxpar->set_ReadGeoParFromFile(1); svxpar->set_GeometryFileName("svxPISA.par"); svxpar->set_OffsetVtxToCnt(-0.124,-0.279,0.0); Svxpar->set_OffsetEastToWest(0.0451,0.0119,0.0030); svxpar->set_BeamCenter(0.163, );

86 1st iteration for 2nd step.

87 1st iteration for 2nd step.

88 1st iteration for 2nd step.

89 1st iteration for 2nd step.

90 1st iteration for 2nd step.

91 2nd iteration for 2nd step.

92 2nd iteration for 2nd step.

93 2nd iteration for 2nd step.

94 2nd iteration for 2nd step.

95 2nd iteration for 2nd step.

96 Step 3 : Offset fine tune using physics data
Data set: Physic (field-on) data Macro: Fun4All_VTX.C for production read_evttree_mkpara_richcut_new0.C read_evttree_mkpara_ver2.h draw_mkpara_richcut.C Source: Beam center & EastToWest offset calibration Alignment ladder by ladder in φ , z and r Didn’t get final results for beam center & fine tune offsets calib yet. -> show you test results.

97 1) Beam center & fine tune offset
Should calculate beam center and offset in physics (field-on) data. First, In production (Fun4All_VTX) macro, let’s use beam center and offset parameters by 0-field data corresponding to physics data we are using. SvxParManager *svxpar = new SvxParManager(); svxpar->set_ReadGeoParFromFile(1); svxpar->set_GeometryFileName("svxPISA.par"); svxpar->set_OffsetVtxToCnt( , ,0.0); Svxpar->set_OffsetEastToWest( , ,0.0); svxpar->set_BeamCenter( , ); Parameters from 0-field run :

98 1) Beam center & fine tune offset
Should calculate beam center and offset in physics (field-on) data. First, In production (Fun4All_VTX) macro, let’s use beam center and offset parameters by 0-field data corresponding to physics data we using. Draw EastToWest offset and primary vertex-BC and then get mean values from gaussian fitting Mean = cm Mean = cm Didn’t analyze all events I have (~7M). Physics RUN : , #events : 1M

99 1) Beam center & fine tune offset
Should calculate beam center and offset in physics (field-on) data. First, In production (Fun4All_VTX) macro, let’s use beam center and offset parameters by 0-field data corresponding to physics data we using. Draw EastToWest offset and primary vertex-BC and then get mean values from gaussian fitting. Set parameters and then run production macros with modified parameter. New parameter = old parameter from 0-field run + mean value from gaussian fitting SvxParManager *svxpar = new SvxParManager(); svxpar->set_ReadGeoParFromFile(1); svxpar->set_GeometryFileName("svxPISA.par"); svxpar->set_OffsetVtxToCnt( , ,0.0); Svxpar->set_OffsetEastToWest( , , ); svxpar->set_BeamCenter( , );

100 1) Beam center & fine tune offset
This is 1st iteration for beam center and offset finetune calibrations. Mean = > cm Mean = > cm

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